The first day

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It was the middle of Cherry blossom season,When you and your family decided to move to Japan for a fresh
start. Japan had always been a place that you had wanted to visit. Although you had never planned on living there.

On the day you left for Japan
(A gloomy saturday). You met up with your friends at the local starbucks; a place where you would always go to hang out. A sort of sentimental gesture I suppose. It was incredibly hard, leaving all your friends behind. But you knew deep down that going to Japan would be good for you - a fresh start.

It was an approximate eleven hours and forty minute flight from where you lived in London to reach your destination of Tokyo airport. While queuing to get of the plane you muttered to yourself "Stupid goddamn Eleven and a half hour flight, making my long ass legs ache like hell." "Hey" your mom said "This is a fresh start for us and I don't want you littering the air with your negativity." You loved your mom but she could be a real pain in the ass with all her "negativity" and "Karma". "Yeah (y/n)" Your dad said.It was again with the pain in the ass thing as your dad thought he was the funniest human being on the planet. Unfortunatley he was not. When you finally reached your new "apartment" or what should have been called a "box.";Your family started to unpack and you knew you should too but you thought "Screw it, i'll unpack tommorow" and collapsed on your "bed" (a mattress on the floor.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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