The Blind Love

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"Mom!! , No please just stop" I start to scream and cry because of the fucking yelling and shouting of mom and dad im sick of it 

"Go to your fucking room now !! " Mom start yelling at me 

I was at this time 15 years old , I think i was pretty young to see this yelling and screaming and shouting

I open the front door of my house and run away from this screaming im sick of it really 

I begging to run and run faster and faster Then Suddenly ,

The last thing i heard That moment was the sound of the car's brakes and everything went Black 


My eyes starting to open slowly 

White walls , so many Medical Devices 

What Happened To Me 

Where Am i ? 

Suddenly a nice Girl come closer to me she had like a notebook or something , She is wearing a white nurse clothes 

"Why Am I here ? " I asked her looking at her with a confusing look 

"It was a big accident really " She answered me kindly , as she looking at her notebook , someone entered to the room 

My Mom and .... Dad ? 

But they hate each other 

"My dear !! im really sorry for what happened to you , im just so confused cause really i didn't mean it " My mom try to hide her tear behind her eyes 

"Why am i here ? " I asked my mom looking at her tearing eyes and at my dad with a frozen heart 

"Me and your dad was fighting and you run away and someone just hite you with his car " My mom explaned to me what happend !! 

Why can't i remember this ?? 

"What ? i can't remember anything " i told my mom with a confusing look 

"That's the problem " My dad finally say something 

"What do you mean " I asked , i think i start to ask so many questions but i have to 

"A part from your brain have been affected by the accident and you can't remember anything that happened to you after this day of the accident " 

What ?? 

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