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You and your girlfriend, Ruby Rose are sitting on the couch watching SuperNatural. You were so into the show that you didn't even know Ruby was trying to talk to you.
"Y/N!" Ruby yells pushing you lightly.
"Yes babe? Sorry" You say pausing the show and looking at her.
"When can i meet your parents?" Ruby ask looking at you in the eyes.

You and Ruby have been dating for a year but she never met your parents. You've met hers plenty of times but she never met yours and there was a reason for that. Your mom is very religious which means she doesn't really like gays. Your dad on the other hand doesn't mind. He accepts people no matter what, which is really sad cuz you never even told him about Ruby.

"Do they even know we're dating?" Ruby ask getting annoyed that your not answering.
"They know I'm dating someone...just not a girl.." 
"No..okay. That came out bad. The truth is my parents know I'm dating just not you because my mom is very religious and is kinda againts gays...but my dad doesn't mind at all. He's really cool about everything."
"Well does your dad know we're at least dating?" You look down feeling guilty.
"Y/N come on! I wanna meet your parents. You know that. We've been dating for a year and I haven't seen them at all. Not even through a picture or anything."
"I'm sorry. I'll try letting you meet them next week but if everything goes to shit You can't blame it on me" You say playing the tv show back on and focusing on the tv.
"I love you Y/N"
"Shut up" You say and Ruby chuckles.

~A week later~

So you talked to your parents about having a dinner so Ruby can finally meet them and they agreed to have it but they still don't know Ruby is a girl. You look at yourself in the mirror and smile. A red dress that is mid-thigh length with black wedges, your curled hair down and no make up. You look too good just for a dinner. You hear the bell ring and run downstairs to get the door.

You open it and see Ruby wearing black pants, black combat boots, black sweater suit with the sleeves up and a flower button down shirt under it and her hair to messy.
"You didn't text me saying to wear all black. We could've been matching and been a cute emo couple" I joke around.
"Haha. Very funny" She says sarcastically with her Australian accent.
"Y/N is that your boyfriend?" you hear your mom say.
"Still haven't told them?" You shake your hear no and look down.
"It'll be okay." She says lifting your head up and kisses your nose. You smile and grab your hand taking her in the house. You walk her to the kitchen where your parents are at.
"Mom. Dad this is Ruby Rose. My girlfriend" you hear your mom drop her the forks to the floor and both your parents looking at You shocked.

"Well, welcome Ruby Rose. Thank you for making my daughter happy this past year." You hear your dad say and shakes her hand.
"Thank you sir but I should be thank your daughter for making me the happiest girl alive" She says making you blush and you lean your head on her shoulders. Your mom just picks up the forks and rinse them off ignoring Ruby.
"Everyone sit down. Dinner is ready" Your mom says. You just know this dinner will go to shit any minutes.

Everyone was eating the dinner your mom made quietly. You can see your mom giving Ruby an evil eye just hating her so much.
"So Ruby. That's a lot of tattoos."
"Umm...yes ma'am they are."
"You're hair and outfit? Are You trying to be like a dude..because I know this doctor who will..."
"Mom...stop" You say looking at her and she looks down eating her food.
"So Ruby. How did you and my daughter meet?" Your dad ask trying to change the subject
"Well, I was just buying some soups for my mom who was sick at the time. Then I see Y/N over here trying to reach something on a shelf but she was too short so I helped her." Ruby smiles at you and holds your hand.
"Yeah. She is kinda short."
"Dad I ain't that short" You say trying to defend yourself at the joke your dad made.
"Yeah sure." Your dad says and you throw your napkin ar him.

"And what exactly do you do for living beside screwing other women" You mom says and you choke on your drink.
"Rose?" You and your dad says trying to make her stop.
"No guys its fine. But to answer your question ma'am I am a DJ, model and a actress. Also I like to stay loyal to one person. So I don't screw other girls...just your daughter" Ruby says getting a drink of water and hear your dad choke on his water trying not to laugh
"Okay! That's it! Get out of my house!!"
"Mom stop!!" You say trying to calm her down
"No! Y/N I've had enough of her! She's a sinner! She's making you sin too!! I don't want you seeing her again!!" She says grabbing Ruby and throwing her to the living room. Ruby pushes your mom out of the way and kisses you softly.
"I love you princess" she says then you see your mom grabbing her and dragging her outside.
"YOU ARE TO NEVER SEE MY DAUGHTER AGAIN!!" She says slamming the door on her
"Mom stop please"
"NO! YOU ARE TO NEVER SEE THAT BOOBY GROSS GIRL AGAIN!!" She yells throwing you on the couch.
"Ruby Rose..."
"I DONT CARE! NEVER AGAIN!!" Your mom says and walks to her room slamming the door. You look at your dad and he looks down.
"Sorry I didn't help...I've just never seen her like that"
"Dad do you like Ruby?"
"Well at first she was too polite. Which I love don't get me wrong but she wasn't being herself. She was just trying to impress us but once she made that comeback to your mom...I tried so hard not laughing. I love her for you" He says sitting next to you making you smile.
"You still love me tho? Right dad?"
"Of course I do. You're my little princess. I'll love you no matter what." He says wrapping his arms around you.
"Dad...I love her...and now mom made her not wanna love me anymore..."
"Sweetie if Ruby really does love you. She would do whatever it takes to be with you. Even if it means putting up with a crazy mother in law" You laugh lightly
"Thanks. I love you dad."
"I love you too sweetie." He says kissing your head and walking to his room.

You walk to your room, locking the door and  lay down on your bed just thinking about the crazy shit that just happened today. You sit up and walk to your window, opening it quietly and climbing out. You jump down landing on the ground then take off your shoes. You start running to Ruby's house hoping your mom doesn't come out catching you.

You get to her front door and before you can knock on it Ruby opens it. You push her in the house closing the door and you put your lips on her and holding her close to you.
"I'm sorry for everything that happened today. I'm so so so sorry"
"Dont be sorry. I wanted to meet them. I'm here for you no matter what your mom says. I wanna be with you." You smiles and hug her tightly in silence.
"I was about to go to your house and sneak through your window."  You laugh lightly and put your fingers through her messy hair. 
"Beat you to it...promise me something Ruby?"
"What is it?"
"That no matter what we'll stay together forever?" You say looking into her beautiful eyes.
"I promise"

Ruby Rose Imagines (Open Request)Where stories live. Discover now