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LEIYAH grunted, rubbing her forehead as she looked down at the pile of papers on the table. "LEBRON, can you stop being an overgrown child and help me plan Laurie's birthday party?"

She cuts her eye at her boyfriend who had been pouncing around their dining room with a string of decorative garlands and a party hat sitting on his head with a pair of huge plastic glasses for the photo booth.

He stops abruptly and turned to her. "But I look poppin'," he grinned, posing for her. He has a hand at the back of his head and one of his hip. "They would take me in for New York Fashion Week."

"LeBron, all I asked you to do was sit down for a couple minutes and help me slip the cards into the invitation letters," Leiyah scolded through gritted teeth. "You are so fucking childish — you can't even do this for your child's birthday."

His laugh falters a little as he takes off the plastic hat. "Okay, I'm sorry," he chuckled, taking his seat opposite her. He takes off the decorations off of him and started folding them up while Leiyah continued to write in the letters manually.

Meanwhile, AYIN sucked in a deep breath as she hit 'refresh' of her email page. Then her breath hitched when the email came in from Cosmopolitan's management as a recent one.

She scanned her words over the preview given to her. 'Congratulations...'. She could only hear ringing now as her heart thumped in her chest and she finally opened the email. But just as she thought things couldn't get bad, it somehow managed to make it bad. 'Posted to California.'

They were going to move her to California. She's writing for a local magazine in Philadelphia and she was content with it, for the most part. TJ is here with her and they were paying her a good amount of money. She only took a shot out of the dark when she let him persuade her into doing this.

Upon hearing the footsteps of her long term boyfriend, she quickly closes the window and snapped her laptop close.

He smiled hopefully at her. "Did you get the job?"

Her smile dropped. She couldn't leave him — she didn't want to. Wherever he was is wherever she should be. Being separated was not an option. "I didn't get the job at Cosmopolitan."

While TJ dwelled over the lie his girlfriend told him, ADELAIDE, too, dwelled over the results of the pregnancy test in her hand.


She was pregnant with LAMARCUS Aldridge's baby. At this point, she wasn't sure if this was a good thing or not. They were having some sort of miscommunication at the time and he's out on the road for the Rodeo Road Trip to make things seem worse than it did.

They haven't talked about the future yet; if they wanted to get married; how many children they want or even if she wanted to even have children in the first place.

The pregnancy could do two things: be the reason they're all good and patch things up again, or the reason they completely fall apart. In fact, the possibilities were endless; but she didn't know which resolution she'd stuck to.

She was drowning herself in ways her loving relationship could end when the loud ringing of her phone from the other corner of the bedroom cut it short. She quickly goes over to it and a picture of her and her lover filled the screen with his name.

"I'm sorry," was the first thing she heard.

LaMarcus was apologising to his girlfriend, then, when STEVEN was in the midst of biting his tongue while he listened to ARIA talk about what kind of future she wanted.

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