Marcos Villa

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Some say I'm so full of myself, considering humanity inferior. But, how could they blame me. We out of all beings are given reasoning and basically throw it in the trash. And what do I get for understanding that? I have been isolated by my peers all my life. Lucky for me, I have never craved for company. I would consider myself blessed by chance, since my exile from society gave me better understanding of how stupid mankind really is. As I wrote in Shadows Only Grow Darker, "Man will forever remain in a veil of darkness. When he's ignorant, he makes excuses for his mistakes. When enlightened, he is overconfident in what he thinks is his great knowledge."

I'm really glad I'm independent from other people. As soon as I graduated from my last mastery in economics, I launched a pretty good business. It may sound funny, but I literally sold nuts as snacks. Slowly, I bought the competition, turning into the only powerful force in the nut market. My business climbed up and up, until I had enough capital to invest. I ended up owning some of the world's most important companies. I make the decisions and earn the final profit. I may do all of this, but still, very few know what the name Marcos Villa. My own.

I believe my true fame comes not from my main income, but from my hobby. As I have said, the stupidity of mankind is something I find disgusting, but at the same time, funny. I find it funny that I'm such an important man and barely anybody knows me. So much I decided to keep it that way when I started with that hobby. What's the hobby? Writing. For you see, other books describe things in a way that is too... human. When I write, I'm an omnipresent preacher that shows mankind it's flaws in subtle ways. I am the Misanthrope. I became so enchanted by that genius name that it became my alter ego as a writer.

I can't say that's all I do for fun. I have one more way of mocking humanity. When you have a capital as large as mine, you can do great inversions. Not just to get money, but to get some laughs. Smith Casino is the only card place where people actually play casino and not poker. I can bet high stakes, since I never really lose. They know me as Mark at the Casino. I used to play low bets with the newbies in order to get experience, but now, I play over millions of dollars. The expression people make when you tell to them to hand over the money is priceless. I never really let anyone fall in bankruptcy though. What would be the point if there's no one to play with?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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