Chapter 2

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As soon as Lola and I stepped out of the ship, the human screamed and fell off the roof. I tried to catch her, but I wasn't quick enough. We looked over the edge and she was motionless on the sidewalk with blood oozing from her head. "Oh no..." Lola muttered. "Fuck! Get her on the ship!" I half yelled.

"What? B-but G, she's a human! Are you sure about that?" Lola asked. "She's hurt, we can't just leave her here. We'll just patch her up real quick." I said before jumping down next to the human. "Bring the ship down." I told her. Lola nodded and went back to bring our ship down here. I knelt down and turned the human girl over to find the wound.

I got to take a look at her face. To say the very least, she was pretty for a human. Lola brought the ship down a few feet away from me. "Hurry up G, before they find us!" She says. I picked up the human and quickly brought her in the saucer. I propped her up on my chair and looked for the wound.

From the side of her head, I pushed up her artificially colored hair and found the source of the bleeding! The wound looked to be two inches wide and a half an inch deep. "She fell unconscious from that?" I mumbled to myself. I looked up and Lola and pointed to the drawer where I keep my medical supplies.

"Can you please hand me my first aid kit?" I asked. "Sure G." She responds and gets me what I asked for. I thanked her and started to clean up the blood. "Uh, G?" "Not now Lola." I cut her off. I quickly put some gloves on and applied some ointment. The bleeding immediately stopped and the wound was already starting to heal.

"G!" Lola yelped. "What?!" I snapped. "They've found us!" She yelled. I looked up at the sky and could see helicopters in the far distance heading our way! "Shit." I muttered. I checked over the human's wound one last time. "She'll be fine." I said before handing her over to Lola and sitting down in the driver's seat.

"Set her back down. We gotta leave!" I instructed my pink companion. Just before she could step off the ship, three military vans pulled up and soldiers began to pile out. "GET OUT OF THE FLYING VEHICLE!" Someone with a megaphone yells. "Son a of-" I whisper. I press a button and close the hatch.

"OPEN FIRE!" The same male human barks. The soldiers begin shooting at my ship, but their bullets do no damage. "What are we doing? What about the human girl?" Lola asks as she begins to panic. "Guess we're taking her with us because if I open the hatch to set her down we'll get shot!" I replied.

Lola gives me a worried look but nods. I buckle my seat belt and take off with the government hot on my tail. I speed up towards the earth's atmosphere. Those helicopters can't fly that high. We'll lose them there. "We're not gonna make it!" Lola squealed. "Oh yes we are! Now hang to something!" I yelled back.

She balances the girl in one arm and loops her other arm around my chair and across my chest. Once the ship is passed all of the satellites that surround the earth I shift gears into light speed. I'm forced back into the chair that Lola clings onto for dear life from behind. Within 30 seconds we are light years away from earth.

We both sigh in relife and I slow the ship down until we are just floating about. "How's our guest doing?" I asked and turned around. Lola was sitting cross legged on the floor while holding the girl. "Well, she's still breathing, so I guess that's a good sign." She says. I nodded and turned back around and rested my head in my hand.

"Fuck... we just abducted a human..."

Abducted By Aliens (Alien! Gerard)Where stories live. Discover now