Chapter 7

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I gasp for breath feeling everything start to turn on again. I look up and see the three boys eyes turning darker and them starting to turn. I look over and see Crystal and Jenny awake as well. I nod holding my hand for them to see. 1...2...3.... I nod and we scream jumping on their backs. They fall to the ground and growl. They're mad. They push us off and then see us their eyes lighting up. 

"I thought you were dead." Clay said pulling me into a kiss. I nodded my head and cried. Why? Who knows. I look to my shoulder and still see the bite mark. I hug him closer gasping for breath. 

"Your okay." He whispers rubbing my back. I turn to see the girls and we nod. We all shout at the same time. 

"April fools sucker!!" We all turn and run into the house and lock ourselves into our own bathroom. I chuckle and get into the shower washing all of the blood off. I hiss in pain from the bite mark.

I open the door slowly making sure that Clay isn't here. I walk out when I know the coast is clear and then I am pulled into a closet with someone's hand over my mouth. I scream and kick at the person. 

"Tyler it's Crystal and Jenny." I hear the girls say and I calm down. 

"Have you seen them yet?" I asked nervousness wafting through the air. They both shook their heads. I looked up hearing something move and then I felt it. Sticky, wet, glue was everywhere. Then feathers and flowers fell onto us making us look like a bomb of sunshine and roses. I shivered and we all screamed. We opened the door running out smelling their scents. They are hiding in the woods clever. Very clever.

I've been following his scent for over an hour and it always leads to a shirt or something. Looking around I stop sniffing the air. 

"Tyler." I kept hearing people say that this whole time. What is going on? All of sudden people are calling my name in circles surrounding me. They are everywhere. He used to do this to me. Make me so confused that I would become insane. I screamed clawing at my ears. Make it stop. The voices stopped and I calmed down looking around. Nobody is here what is going on? I let my wolf come through her being able to see through my eyes. In fright she went back into her hole giving me control. I sniffed the air and smelled the distinct hint of rogue and the Alpha of rouges. That was the difference between the brothers smell the Alpha of rouges smelled rotten where the beta smelled like honey and vanilla. I instantly jumped into the tree and climbed to the top. I howled for the other two to get out of the woods. He's after me not them so they are safe. I'm never safe. Not from him. Not ever. I feel the tree shaking and see him shaking it. Making me become off balanced and lose my grip. I fall to the ground gasping for air. His teeth look sharp and they are ready to sink into my flesh. Ripping me apart limb from limb. I want to scream, but I'm frozen. I can't move. My mind is in a haze and everything is slowly processing. The wheels in my brain slowly functioning. I blink my eyes. That's not him it's the beta. He's looking down at me confused. 

"Are you okay?" He asks me and I shake my head moving away from him shaking. My mind still scared from what I just thought happened. I whimper from fear and submit to him on the verge of tears. He looks at me confused. He howls to alert someone and Clay appears with the Alpha. 

"Hey what's wrong?" He asks me rushing over to me pulling me to his chest. I can't respond. I stay still. Rocking back and forth. My mind is slowly letting me go insane. Flashbacks of him start to take over my mind.

"You are so beautiful. My mark will go here." He tells me kissing the spot where my mate will one day mark me. I push him away. 

"Get off me." I growl and he laughs. 

"You know the consequences of defying your Alpha little one." He growls and he calls his beta to get his supplies. 

"Don't play with fire unless you are prepared to get burned." He tells me and I scream from the agonizing pain.

I feel the pain over and over again. The burns are burning and my scars feel like they are being ripped open. The constant reminder of what he did. The reminder of how helpless I am. The reminder that I am an omega.

"Mamma?" Jake asks making me come back to reality. He smiles when he notices that I nod my head. 

"Are you okay?" Concern seeps through his voice like poison will spread through you body. I nod putting a fake smile on my face. 

"Mamma your lying." He hisses and my smile falls from my face. 

"I'll be fine, I just need time." I tell him my head pounding. I fell my bones start to ache and my energy level drop. I close my eyes the darkness eating at me.


"What will happen to her?" I hear someone ask and I open my eyes. feel the headache slithering like a snake through my head. In ever part of it leaving nothing, but pain behind. I whimper from it and Clay turns towards me. 

"Your awake." He breathes out. The doctor leaves the room and Clay walks over to me. 

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks me and I nod. My body feels like its on fire. I can tell Clay can smell it because his eyes turn bright blue. He licks his lips. 

"I have to leave Tyler. Your in your heat." He tells me holding back his wolf and I whimper from the pain.

Alpha rouge's mateΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα