The move

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I walk downstairs as quietly so I won't wake up my mom before I'm supposed too and walk into the kitchen. I grab out a pan and get out the bacon to thaw before I have to cook it. I walk out into the living room and it's a mess. There were some random people sleeping on the couch and floor and there were beer, vodka and whiskey bottles everywhere. The whole house reeked of boos.
      I sighed and grabbed the garbage can, walking around the living room as silently as possible, picking up all of the trash from the night before. When I was done I walked back into the kitchen. I grab the bacon carefully pulling it apart, before putting in the pan.
        Just as I'm setting the food on the plates my mom and John walk in. My mom sits at the table and starts eating. John glares at me the entire time. I shrug my shoulders and walk upstairs. I grab my clothes and set them out on my bed. (Outfit up top.) I slip my clothes on putting my hair in a messy bun. I get my makeup putting on a light natural look.
          I take my foundation and put it on covering my bruises and some of my cuts and scars. I walk out of my bathroom and look around my room. There are boxes scattered all around and my bed is simply just my mattress on the floor. I need to unpack. I'll do that later. I walk downstairs, my bag slung on my shoulders. I walk over to the table where my mom is still eating. Without saying anything she hands me a 100$ bill. "That's all you get. You take that and go by some stuff for your room and school. You start on Monday." I nod my head and grab the money. "Thank you" I say quietly. "Yeah, whatever."
        I walk outside and I start walking. Where? I don't know. I'm new to this place. You see? After my dad died, 8years ago, my mom became abusive. She would beat me everyday. But sometimes my makeup wouldn't cover my bruises well enough and people started getting suspicious. My mom panicked and we moved. We move almost every year to two years, which means I have to transfer schools. Do you know how hard it is to be the new girl in the middle of the year?
       Anyways, I was walking around and I finally find a store. It's a neat little place. It looks like an antique shop... I walk inside and I see a lady behind the counter. She looks to be around her 40's-50's. "Hello dear, how can I help you today?" I smile kindly at her. "Well I'm kind of new here and I need to find a grocery store or a Walmart. Would you mind directing me to the nearest one?"
     She smiled a warm smile at me. "Oh it's not a problem hun. I can have my grandson show you around town. He's about your age I believe." I chuckle and look down. "No thank you ma'am. I would be fine if you just showed me where to go." I shouldn't be getting close to anyone now. So the less people I talk to the better. I don't want to drag them into my fucked up life. "Oh no dear, I insist. I can't let you roam these streets alone when you don't know your way around" I smile at the kindness this women is showing me. "Oh...alright. I accept your offer. I hope  not to much of a burden for you guys." She laughs "oh nonsense honey! I'll go get him right now. Just why don't you take a look around the shop. See if there is anything you like." She walks through a door and disappears from my sight. I look around and start walking around the shop when something catches my eye. I walk over to a little shelf and pick up the camera that was sitting there. I sit there looking at it when I hear a voice. "Do you like that camera?" I jumped at the voice and turned around. I threw a hand up over my heart. "Jeezus! You scared the crap out of me!" He chuckles and threw his hands up as If he were surrendering. "I'm sorry miss. I didn't mean to startle you." I smile. "It's alright". He walked over to the counter to speak to his grandmother and I took this time to see who I was about to explore with.
     I have to admit he is gorgeous. He has shaggy blond hair that falls in his eyes, he has stormy gray eyes. He's tall and looks pretty muscular. He stands at least 6', whereas I'm a solid 5'4". I'm short. Don't judge.
While I was "checking him out" I didn't notice that he was standing next to me with a smirk on his face. "Enjoying the view princess?" I scoff. "Princess? Last I checked I wasn't your princess." He smiles. And let me tell you that smile is breathtaking.
"Oh yeah? Well now your mine princesa." He says with a smirk. I blush slightly. Scolding myself for letting his words get to me. "Yours huh? Im not yours. Im not anyone's. Im my own person." He laughs. "Oh vamos princesa No juegues duro para conseguir." I chuckle and raise my eyebrow. "¿yo? Jugando duro para conseguir? Nunca. Simplemente digo la verdad." He raised his eyebrow. "You speak Spanish?" I look at him and cross my arms over my chest. "Yes. Yes I do." "Do you know how hot that was?"
I blush and look down before walking towards the door. "Keep it in your pants." I open the door and step outside.
A minute later he steps outside holding the same camera I was holding earlier. "Grandma said that it looked like you had taken some interest in this, so it's yours." I smile "Are you sure? I didn't even pay for it." "It's all yours." "Is there anyway I can pay you guys back?" "No. Just take the camera." I smile and hug him. "Thank you"
"No problem princesa" "Shall we go?" He nods his head and we start walking in the direction of, I'm assuming, a store.
    While we were walking there was kind of an awkward silence. "So what's your name?" I asked him. He looked at me and smiled showing his dimples. "My name is Alex. What's yours?" "My name is Alyssa." "Well Alyssa, here we are." He pointed to the store across the street and I gripped the camera and the strap on my bag. "Thank you for showing me around. I will be going now. It was nice meeting you Alex." That was all I said before walking across the street and into the store.

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