The closet

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"Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Relinquish me from this hell and vaniquish the devil from my life"

It was another ordinary Sunday and Dorian was hiding in his closet watching nextflix. It may sound strange but he happens to end up in his closet a lot. It might be because he adores small spaces and the tiny walk in closet was cozy or because he didn't want anyone to find him rewatching the entire season of Lucifer for the fourth time. Either guess is a good guess but the real reason was that he simply didn't want to go to church today.

You see Dorian was in the closet. No, not as in he was actually IN the closet, which I guess isn't true cause he is in the closet, what I mean is that he is also in another closet.

The closet of his soul.

The gay closet.

And having an over religious family didn't make him feel better about coming out of his closet. Either of closets.

"Dorian honey hurry up! You don't want to be late for mass again do you?"

Yes mother I do want to be late for mass. I want to be late for every. Single. Fucking. Mass unless your talking about about the amount of mass is an object.

He simply ignored the shrill voice of his white, suburban, mother and went back to watching Lucifer wondering when his soul would descend into hell. Unfortunately he wasn't given time to wonder when his closet door was yanked open letting in the God forsaken light. His heart froze when his met the cold, dead, ones of a cruel, callous, creature.


Dorian's mom honestly wasn't that bad and he really did love her, but when she towered over him at 6'2 and he was a measly 5'6 the woman was intimidating. She only wore pantsuits and always gave off this Hiliray Clinton vibe. Probably because even though she smiled all the time her brown eyes were cold and her perfectly manicured nails were poised to kill.

" I won't allow you to embarrass me again Dorian Gray or so help me I will cancel Netflix for the rest of the month." The threat had power. The threat gave him war flashbacks to pbs and cable tv.

She's a cold Mistress. This is way the ladies in the sewing clubs always knit me extra scarfs for Christmas.

Wordlessly he got up and slipped on his brown oxfords and meticulously straightened his tie like his grandfather taught him too. Dorian wasn't much of a talker; he preferred binging on seasons of his favorite shows instead of actually talking to people which is probably why he really only had one friend. Not to mention being short, thin, with womanly hips, and a high pitched voice he was the butt of many gay jokes.

I mean I am gay, but people don't know that for sure they just assume that cause they're assholes.

After a boring mass about whatever it is they were talking about Dorian was ready to go home and not get anything done. Just as his family was passing through the wide double doors of the Church Father James called out to them in a serene voice.

"Mrs. Gray I have wonderful news regarding little Dorian's search for a summer job."

Summer job? Who was searching for that? Dorian wondered. It couldn't have been him cause he was just fine being broke and lazy.

"My brother was able to secure Dorian an interview at the law firm where he works. It's a very prestigious firm so Dorian, you must try your best to impress the CEO." The advice was kind, but Dorian really didn't give a rat's ass about the job or the interview.

"My son will make sure to be there on time and ready to make you proud Father. Dorian is extremely grateful for this opportunity, aren't you Dorian?" His mothers beady eyes zeroed in on him and he felt the temperature drop. Her smile was warm but the talons sinking into his shoulder told him to tread lightly.

Quick Father, grab your cross! The devil has hold of her!

His only response was a tight lipped smile and a shy nod but in his mind he was chanting:

The power of Christ repels you! The power of Christ repels you!

"Well I'm glad you're happy. The interview is tomorrow at 8:00 am sharp. Be prepared and Dorian, good luck."

With that Father left to purify more souls and Dorian yearned for his closet like never before.

Woo! Another update! I'm on a roll guys!
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