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Willow: hey we should got to justin bieber's party tonight. I heard its supposed to be really fun

Me: nahh... how about we just have girl's night here

I knew that if we went to that party jaden was going to be there, possibly wiith another girl. I didnt want to got through the same pain i went through when we broke apart. I was at willow's house and jaden wasn't here, so since he was going to that party i might as well stay here.

Willow: Nic, i left my phone in the game room, can you go get it please?

Me: sure, brb

I walked across the long hall and down to the steps and into the game room when i noticed i wasnt alone.

Me: Jaden, what are you doing here

Jaden: I live here remember

Me: sorry

Jaden: did you need something

Me: yea willow's phone

Jaden: here *hands me the phone*

Me: thanks

I turned to walk away but he stopped me.

Jaden: Nic do you ever- never mind

Me: what

Jaden: Its nothing

Me: Jaden if you dont say it i'll beat it out of you

Jaden: it was nothing

Me: were you gonna say do you ever think about us

Jaden: yea

Me: well i do

Jaden: *stands up and crosses the room towards me* Me too

We were inches away from kissing when all of sudden willow shouted something about a good scary movie. I turned around and went back upstairs to her room.

Willow: what took you so long?

Me: nothing i-i got lost

Willow: *she just looked at me* okayy

Me: what did you say about a movie

Willow: yea i just ordered women in black and we can watch it tonight if you want

Me: suree

Willow: cool im gonna go make some popcorn

I went downstairs to the movie theater room and put the movie in. When i stood back up jaden, moises, and jake were standing behind me.

Jake: boo!

Me: *screams*

Boys: *laughing*

Me: that wasnt funny and you guys are suppose to be at justin's party

Moises: we decided not to go

Willow came back in with the popcorn and started arguing with the boys.

Willow: you guys cant be in here

Jaden: it is my house too

Willow: well not tonight me and nic were in here first

Jaden: well i guess we'll just stay here and watch the movies with you too then

Willow: ughh fine but dont make any noises

Jake and moises sat down, then willow, and then jaden. I had to sit beside during the movie and when scary parts came i would bury my face in jaden's chest and he would hold my hand. We let go of each other before anyone noticed. Jake and moises got up after the movie was over and went to jaden's room ad willow went to bed, so it was just me and jaden left.

Jaden: well i guess i'll call it a night

Me: wait we need to talk

Jaden: theres nothing to talk about

Me: you know as well as i do theres everything to talk about

Jaden: okay what

Me: what happend between us

Jaden: i dont wanna talk about it

Me: well we cant just keep avoiding it

Jaden: who says i was avoiding it

Me: your not giving me an answer...

Jaden: like i said i dont wanna talk about it

Me: jaden please

Jaden: no!

He stormed out of the movie theater and that reminded me of the day i called jaden to come over to my house and we had our big argument.



Jaden: what

Me: did i do something to upset you

Jaden: why would you say that

Me: your just ignoring me all the time and we hardly ever talk anymore

Jaden: were fine

Me: are you sure

Jaden: im positive can we just stop talking about it!

Me: im just trying to get to the bottom of things...

Jaden: shut up about it. You always try to do this

Me: do what??

Jaden: you try to ruin something thats already perfect

Me: but jaden were not perfect

Jaden: whatever im done!!!

He stormed out of my house leaving me with a big whole in my heart.


I went back upstairs to willow's room and got in bed. The images of that day and this night circled in my head forming one big question mark that i wanted the answer to more than anything. And with it unanswered, i went to sleep with all the memories of the good times me and jaden had as a couple...

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