{the previous day}

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"Get back here you bitch" the Governor exclaimed.
"Get your hands of me, now!" I cried.
*slap* my face stung, he looked me in the eyes, I saw nothing, no emotion. He grabbed the back of my arm and threw me into a chair, he grabbed some rope and tied my arms and legs. Shit. I need to get out now.
"I warned you Lauren. You told people. You told them, you need to keep quiet. But you didn't" the governor said, a knife in his hand.

"Please. I'm I'm sorry"
"I trusted you, I took you in when you needed someone, I gave you food, water, shelter, safety. And this is how you repay me!" He shouts, and throws the knife, it skims past my head, slitting my eyebrow. I scream, tears burst from my eyes. "Let me go!" I exclaim, trying to escape, but I'm tied.

Milton walks in, "erm, sir this isn't the right way to treat.."
"Are you trying to stand me up Milton? Are you trying to be the hero here? Get out you pathetic excuse of a human"
"Let her go!"
"Fine. But watch out Lauren your not safe, not while I'm here." The governor says, looking me in the eye. The governor walks out, slamming the door behind him.

"Get out now, Lauren he will kill you, here's a gun, ammo, water and food, and some basic survival equipment stay safe, there's a prison 3 miles north, they'll look after you. Go" Milton says, holding me close.

"I can't explain how thankful I am" I say, blood dripping from the cut I got earlier.

"Milton!" The governor shouts.

"Go! Go!"

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