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"Jasper....Wake up....Jazz come on sweet heart were gunna be late to school." I opened my eyes and got up seeing my twin sister Jillan glareing at me with her pink eyes "If you dont get up how are you supposed to learn about your powers??" I got up and grabbed my leather bag with me make-up and went to the bathroom I got ready in my all black outfit topping it off with my black hoddie and grabbed an apple as we ran out the door to get on the bus with Jillan. We sat in the back in the way back seats then watched as severl kid got on the bus when I looked at Jillan she looked worried "Whats wrong Jill?" She sighed "Sis I know you hate that you were named a guys name but why do you like the name?" I smiled "The name suits me dont you think?" I could tell she was thinking about my black hair and eyes. She nodded then looked to the front and her eyes got huge I looked up to see what she was looking at. When I saw him I froze..... He was like me in all black but had fangs he was one of the two vampires that walked on the other was his mate compared to her who had pink hair and red eyes he looked evil with his white hair and red eyes. I looked at Jillan with her sky blue hair and pink eyes you would think she was shy and soft spoken but instead she was always outspoken and kind but if you got on her bad side she would become your worst nightmare.I leaned on the back of my seat and fell asleep agian...... I woke up a few minutes later just as the bus was pulling into the school I stood up and tripped over something in thw walk way as I got closer to the ground i closed my eyes. Thats when I first felt the cold hard hand of a vampire. I looked up into his red eyes and almost laughed at his reaction to my black eyes. My eyes startle alot of people at first I smiled "Thank you." He nodded then let go of my arm when I regained my balance Jillan walked in front of me. She stopped when we got to the office "Jazz.....I'm scared..." I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the office with me "Hello we're the Hunters to signed up to come to this school." The lady behinde the desk nodded then dissapered down the hall thats when I realized that the office was like a normal office except for the windows were bared up. The woman came back and handed us our classes we had every class together. We found our first class and introduced our selfs to the teacher his name was Mr. Locks me and Jillan had to sit in the way back.... While Mr. Locks was talking I looked over and felt the "Pop" as my mom called it when you find your mate...... I knew he felt it too because he was stareing at me wide eyed the teacher noticed us stareing "Jasper and Spencer go to the hall and talk." We got up and walked out of the room Spencer looked at me once we were away from the room he hugged me "So your my mate." I shivered in pleasure as he said mate I saw him take his hood down revealing his bright red eyes and cyan colored hair he was really handsome he smiled agian and this time I realized his fangs "Jasper whats your full name?" I rolled my eyes "It's Jasper Hope Hunter." He grinned "Jasper Hope Hunter I accept you." I felt a burning "My full name is Spencer James Smith." I smiled "Spencer James Smith I accept you as well." My body felt like it was on fire. I watched as he brought my wrist up to his mouth and bit down marking me as his I sifted to my go to shift a snow leapord and scrached his back leavein my own mark on him I shifted back and got re dressed. He kissed me without warning me then grabbed my hand "Come on Jasper it's a big deal when a vampire finds his mate." Mr. Locks walked out and walked us down to the office when we walked in we walked over to the announcement phone. I watched as Mr. Locks picked up the phone and said "Attention all students and staff prince Spencer has finally found his mate!!" I looked over at Spencer wide eyed he rolled his eyes and shook his head he grabbed the phone and said "Anything food wise if free for everyone in honor of me finding my mate and will everyone please go to the gym."

He put the phone on the recever and grabbed my hand and waited tell everyone was in the gym when we walked in I saw envy on all of the girls faces "Everyone this is princess Jasper my mate." He looked over at me loveingly everyone clapped and I blushes putting my forhead on Spencers shoulder the crowed awed Spencer sopke agian "Today eveyone will just have fun in honor if me finding my mate." Jillan ran down to me "Your mate is a prince!?!?!?!?!" I nodded "Spencer this is my twin sister Jillan." He smiled kindly at her "Hi Jillan." She blushed and ran to a group of people who I guessed she had made friends with Spencer walked me to the lunch room "Pick something you want to eat love I have to go make a phone call." I nodded and kissed him he smiled and walked out I walked up to the lunch ladies and blushed when they dropped to their knees bowing to me "Umm why are you bowing I just was gunna ask if i could get a salad." They stood "Sorry princess we're just used to it and of course you can." I sat down and a few minutes later they brought me

a big salad with a lot of salad dressing on it I ate and thanked them then watched as Spencer came in with two other people following him. I stood up and walked to Spencer grabbing his hand "Mom,dad this is my mate Jasper." They both smiled kindly at me "Welcome to the family Jasper." I smiled "Thank you." They nodded and walked out a few minutes later the bell to go home rang out. Jillan and I went to get on the bus but Spencer stopped us "Come on girls I'll take you home." We got into his silver chevy truck and told him the directions. He drove us home in silence when we got to our house or our shack as i called it because it was just a little shead like thing he stopped in front of it and I knew he was shocked because when Jillan got out and I tryed to follow her but he stopped me "Jasper you live here??" I nodded sence our mom and dad died weve lived here "Hold on love....." He kissed me "I'll pick you guys up tomarrow morning." I nodded and got out and went inside "Jasper i cant beleave your mate is a prince!!!!!" I nodded "Yeah my first day of school I find my mate." She rolled her eyes "Lets just go to bed." We went to bed and i layed there for a few hours just thinknig about Spencer.. I woke up knowing I had passed out and heard knocking on our door I grabbed my baseball bat and went to the door "Who is it?" "It's me love." I opened the dooro and pulled him inside "Spencer what are you doing here." "I've come to take you to my house." "Why?" "Because you are my mate and this shack isnt good enough for my princess." I sighed and got Jillan up and got her in the truck we fell asleep in the back seat leaning agenced eachother...... "Jasper my love......Wake up were here." I opened my eyes to see a huge manson there. Spencer picked me and carryed me to the doors.Were two burly vampires stood "Prince Spencer who is this woman?" "This woman is my mate and your princess you will treat her as such." The two vampires bowed "I am sorry my lord we are just being cautious." Spencer nodded and the guards opened the doors for us. When the doors opened adn we steepped inside I was in awe at the vast room in front of me the room was pure white and had a crystal chandelier and a large grand staircase were Spencers mom and dad were standing. "Welcome home Spencer, Jasper, And Jillian." I realized Jillan was standing beside me and Spencer just as amazed as I was. Me and Jillan bowed to them only to hear there laughter "Jasper you and Jillan are family now you bow to no one."

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