There was no other way out of the folding chamber unless she took the way to the washing room and out to the lines. She shook her head at the thought of spending the night outside. That was even worse than confronting a member of the royal guard. Her own imagination would kill her before the snow did. The chilly night seemed to have nothing better to do but fill the folding room with cold air. She almost smacked herself fro leaving the comfort of her warm room to be here.

She tried to think of anyone else other than fellow guard who could be awake at this time. There was always the butler. Old Mr Samson never slept. At least not while she was awake and with her two steady months of 12-3 am sleep she hadn't seen the man catch forty weeks. She could almost agree that he was super human. The thought of sleep made her moth yearn to yawn to she let it out silently for fear that the guard would hear.

She wondered what they would do if they found her here? She could get suspended or worse fired. The gravity of her situation hit her hard and she decided that a night in the cold wouldn't be that bad but it could be much better than sharing a room with penny. The though of her room mate made her cringe in disgust. Now she really had something to worry about.

"You're sure, no one else knows about this? " It was the feminine tone of the voice asking the question that stopped her dead in her tracks. A female was with the guard. She wondered who the guard could have summoned. She could only hope that it was the merciful head maid, Ms. Carter but as she remembered that Ms. Carter had been away from the castle since thanksgiving, her heart shattered. The only other person who she knew could be up at this time was the staff head, Ms. Williams.

The thought of MS Williams finding her hear didn't sit well with the butterflies in her tummy. It wasn't too late to make a run for it. She started to walk to the big white doors that separated the folding room from the rest of the laundry room. "I'm as sure as my cakes are firm."

It was the respondent's voice that made her twist around and stand still. She'd recognize that voice even in a drug induced sleep. What would Fabian Reynolds from the pantry be doing at the folding chamber at this time of the bight and who was he with? A female. A she thought about it, she realized that the female's voice had sounded young and even musical. Fabian couldn't possibly be here to fold his clothes. Could he?

The door burst open and revealed the source of her worries. Fabian strolled in laughing as he held something in his hand. She watched him look back at his companion before his lips spread in a wide smile. She had never seen hims so happy. So relaxed. She wondered who the woman could be that had pulled up this hidden side of Fabian from the depth of his grim bitter soul.

As his companion stepped into the light, Eudora's heart froze with fear. The caramel colored eyes of his partner danced in the light. Black hair flowed like liquid from her widow's peak cascading down her back and gracing the beginning of her waist. Her ivory skin shone in the lights of the folding room as her laughter mixed with Fabian's.

Eudora's mouth dropped at the sight before her. She couldn't believe what was happening before her. Thinks like this only happened in books and movies but not real life. She watched his companion lean intimately into him as her tall long legs graced the floor with gentle womanly strides. The woman's eyes scanned the room and as those golden brown eyes fell on her figure Eudora knew she would die of a heart attack soon.

"Your- Your higness," Eudora stammered. The Queen's eyes never left her for a second. Eudora's eyes dropped to the floor. The last person she expected to see with Fabain was the queen. What were they doing here?

"What are you doing here? At this hour?" The Queen's voice was levelled but there was a deep rage beneath her soft voice.

"I..I..I was..." Eudora tried to think of a suitable lie. She thought of how she would explain that she had waited till everyone was asleep and how she had snuck past the guards while they changed posts.

"You were what?" Fabian barked. His grim unforgiving self was back.

"N.. nothing." Eudora replied, keeping her eyes glued to the floor. "I just couldn't sleep and I. thought...I thought."

"Good. You heard nothing and you saw nothing. Do you understand?" The queen asked. Eudora nodded her head as though her life depended on it because it did. "Now leave."

Fabian was quick to respond. "You can't just let her leave. She MUST be punished for breaking the curfew hours."

"No. Please, I couldn't sleep. So i thought that I should finish the laundry." Eudora raised her eyes now. Her face met the queen's as she placed he hands together.

"A curfew is a curfew. Why do we have rules if you will not follow them?" Fabian screamed. "If you want to disrespect the castle rules then maybe you shouldn't live in the castle."

"No, please. I have no where to go." Eudora flung herself at the queen's feet.

"Why do you mean? Don't you have a family to go to?" The queen asked, eyeing her. Eudora shook her head.

"We'll discuss your punishment in the morning." The queen said.

"B..but.." Eudora stammered.

"Leave before I change my mind. I could lock you in the dungeon you know." Eudora scrambled to her feet and reached to her room.

"Catherina. You shouldn't have let her go. We've come so far." Eudora heard Fabian yell. She didn't give it another thought until til she was safe behind the walls of her room. Her heart rammed against hr chest as she plunged herself into the bed.

"What's going on?" Piper sat up rubbing her eyes before she leant yo her side and turned on the bedside lamp.

"Nothing." Eudora snapped, burying her head beneath her duvet. In the silence that followed her answer, her heart plaughed her with thoughts of what had happened in the laundry room. No one was supposed to be there leat of all the queen. But now that she had been caught she worse what she would do.

Would she be put put of the castle? She turned, unable to find a comfortable position on her bed. Now she was really worried. If she was put out of the castle she would have no where to go. Becoming head maid was not worth losing her job in the castle.

What kind of punishment would the queen give her? Tears pulled at her life as she realized this could be her last day under the shelter of the castle. Why? Why hadn't she listened to Piper's advice and stayed in the castle? She had to talk Mrs. Williams tomorrow. She was ready to plead. She would do anything. Her mind raged with thoughts of what punishment she would have to suffer. With such thoughts on her mind, her wearied body gave into the comfort of her bed.

Lexy says:

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