
I pushed my doors gently and was greeted by a skinny latte sitting on my white office desk. Among the other things on my desk was a laptop, fresh flowers, and a framed photo of me and my family. There's not much on my desk, but that's to make space for all the paperwork I always have eventually.

I had couches and a coffee table set up for casual meetings and even that table didn't have much on it since I never really entertained clients in this manner.

My office is mainly white and I wanted just a few paintings to adorn the walls. Big furniture and floor-to-ceiling windows were my only requirements.

I sat down on my vintage white-leather chair and twisted around to enjoy my view of New York City before I dove in to my paperwork. I watched the tiny people scuttling around the city, the yellow taxis driving past stoplights, and the large electronic billboards; such a busy sight.

It really is beautiful up here.

After my 10 minutes of serenity, I decided to check my personal email before doing any actual work. I didn't usually do this but there was a nagging feeling in me that made me do so. And when I opened it, I instantly regretted that decision.

The e-mail's subject said:

Reunion, Blake High

Oh dear God. I screamed to myself.

"The Alumni Association of Blake High School cordially invites you, Ava Allison C. Baron to a reunion to be held on the 8th of April in none other than the Alegra Hotels and Resort in the Hamptons, generously sponsored by Connor Lloyd.

Attendees will only have to pay half the price for an overnight stay in this luxurious resort!

You may ask why a reunion would need an entire weekend, and our answer for that is: we need that much time to catch up with each other! We're all excited to hear what you've been up to in the past years! The attendees are requested to be at the venue at 8pm of the 7th of April to make way for the numerous activities that we have prepared for you!

Please bring formal attire for the culminating activity that will be held on the 9th. The program includes games so we encourage you to bring comfortable attire as well. Do not forget to also pack your swim suits! The resort has beautiful pools and hot tubs that you will surely enjoy!

Feel free to send in photos from high school and current photos as well.

Clear your weekend for this much-awaited event!

Go Raptors!

Sincerely, Blake High School Alumni Association

Meredith Harker-Cavanaugh, President"

Meredith Harker-Cavanaugh? Meredith Harker. Shit. Cavanaugh? That means she's married. I wonder who the poor fellow is.

...Cavanaugh! How could I be so stupid? Christopher Cavanaugh! Basketball team captain! Todd hated him. He had an ego the size of a galaxy that had nothing but air. Maybe some bubbles. Either way, he was your cliché dumb jock. He was just lucky his father owned Cavanaugh Textiles or else he'd be in the streets by now.

Todd always got in trouble because he and Cavanaugh always butted heads. Cavanaugh would start by dissing Todd's swim team, and then, long story short, they both would end up with bloody noses and detention.

Now, Meredith.

She was a grand bully back in high school and I always wished she'd be fat and poor by the time we had our high school reunion so I could beautifully yell "IN YOUR FACE" at her when I would show off how great I would be (and actually am).

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