Letter 2

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The song I have chosen is In every thought by ponyphonic

Dear Draco,

I have to admit that I was impressed with the letter you sent me. To be completely honest I have to say that I love you too. Just like you, I fell in love, with you, the first time I laid eyes on you, but I couldn't and still can't tell anyone besides yourself my feelings towards you, Draco.

Harry would laugh and probably ignore me if I told him and Ronald well only Merlin knows how he would act towards the news. Anyway enough about Harry and Ronald I know you don't really like them.

Ever a thought in my mind
Clever and kind
It's you I adore
And should the floodwaters rise
Or darkness disguise
Just know that I'm yours

I love you and I really want to be yours but alas we can't be together. I really am sorry Draco and please believe that I love you so much. Also all is forgiven for what you said and did when you were younger.

I love you,

From the heart (contest) [Harry Potter] {Dramione}Where stories live. Discover now