Elena held out her hand,

"Come here please." Andrea shook her head and Elena sighed, "I'm serious. Come here and hold my hand right now."

Andrea walked towards her, reaching out to take Elena's offered hand. Elena squeezed her friend's hand,

"I want you to listen to me. I'm older than you and I have more seniority on the team...I'm pulling rank." Andrea smiled weakly but didn't say anything. Elena continued, "I don't blame you for this. I don't blame anyone. I should have had my ankle checked out so it didn't collapse to begin with. This is not your fault. Hear me?"

Andrea took a few moments but finally gave a stilted nod of her head. She smiled a few moments later,

"And you only have two weeks seniority over me."

Elena shrugged,

"Still seniority."

"Oh sorry. I'll come back later." They both heard a deep British accent say behind them.

Elena looked around Andrea's shoulder,

"Freeze, Tiny British man." Harry turned back around to look at her, "Get your unbelievably toned ass back in this room right now."
Harry shook his head as he walked towards her,

"Just so we're clear...I'm taller than you."

She quirked her brows when he pressed a kiss to her mouth,

"Maybe I wasn't talking about your height."

Harry shot her a look, turning his head to look up at Andrea,

"Do you see the abuse I take? All in the name of love...I'm a fool."

Andrea sniffed back a set of tears as a wistful smile spread across her cheeks. Harry and Elena were in love. And it was about damn time Elena had someone who cared about her the way Harry did.

She squeezed Elena's hand,

"I'm gonna leave you two alone."

Elena shook her head, her smile disappearing as Andrea backed away from the bed,

"You don't have to."

"I will come and see you at the house tomorrow ok?" She leaned down to kiss Elena's hand, "I love you so much."

Harry watched as Andrea left the room and then shifted his gaze down to Elena,

"Work things out?"

"We did."

"Everything peachy?"

"All except this knee thing."

He leaned down closer to her,

"Does this knee thing stop you from making out? Because I really wanna make out."

She tipped her chin up, her eyes focusing on his mouth as he got closer,

"Make out? Like teenagers in a movie theater? I like it."

Harry squeezed at her hip, a devilish smile playing on his lips,

"I knew you would." He whispered softly as his mouth overtook hers in a deep kiss.


"Slow down."

"I'm going slow."

"No you're not. You're gonna fall and make things worse."

"Ok, Dad."

"Frank is a very smart man."

Elena sighed as she walked, or more like hobbled into her house. Getting up stairs was trying. Actually getting down stairs was trying too. But she was determined not to be waited on hand and foot by her uber hot, uber cute, uber helpful boyfriend.

Evening the Score // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now