Chapter 2 (The Race)

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After the long hard day at school me and Rosie go home as change into more comfy clothes. "So I have a race." Rosie confirms. "Yes I know." Glancing at her as she is putting her gear on. Do you think if I wear a sparkling gold shirt with a pair of jean shorts would be cute?" Sideway glancing at her with a eyebrow raised. "Ya I think it would match it with a pair of plumps." She added. "I have the silver shirt and lighter jeans shorts do you want me to bring them for you?" I ask. "Of course. With black pumps." She recommends. I nodded grabbing a gym bag and put the shoes and clothes in it. Getting dressed I straighten my hair and do winged eye liner with gold sparkles. I also have black pumps on. I go out and show my outfit to Rosie. "Looking sexy." She hooted. I smirked. She had her make up done. Looking like mine but with silver sparkles. Along with her gear. "Ready?" I asked while grabbing the bag along with our purses. "Hella ya bitch." She yelled making me grin. Before heading out of the door I grab my leather black jacket.

"Oh before I forget here is the back stage pass." She said while handing me a pass. "Thank you." Smiling looking down at the pass. "I'm driving!!" Rosie hollered. "What ever." I grumble. Once we got there I took the bag and my purse and headed for the bar. "May I order a water?" I ask to the bartender. "Of course, especially for a pretty lady like yourself." Flirty birdy. We all know to not hang around them. I smile to myself and grab the water laying cash onto the table. I walked off heading into the crowed area to get next to the race. Two firm hands clasped onto my abdomen turning me around. My face turned ghost white. "Babe, what's wrong?" Tucker. Holy crap he scared the shit outta me. "Where's Dax?" Muttering while looking at the floor. "I'm here. You don't need him. You've got me." He grumbled. Rolling my eyes I pulled myself out of his grip. I want to believe it's because I know how he treats me when I'm pretty but when I'm not he treats me like trash. "Heyyyyy Lila Lil Lilly." Dax said wrapping me into his warm embrace. I signed and hugged him back. "Rosie wants you." Looking up at him, he plastered a smirk onto his face. "Because she wants a good luck kiss. Who can turn down these lips!" He exclaimed kissing my forehead.

Rolling my eyes I turn back around to Tucker to see he was flirting with this one girl. Ugh, what is up with us. "Tuck." Muttering in his ear. Turning around I leaned up and smashed my lips to his. "Don't do that." I grumble. "Mmm now I want to. Your jealousy is a turn on." Tucker smirked while checking me out. He pulled me to him while I was still staring at his beautiful face. Standing on my tip toes Tucker leaned down and kissed me. "No one can beat your lips." Tucker muttered under his breathe. Smiling I kiss his jawline and turn around and walk into the backstage. "Hey Lil!!" Dax said. "Hey D, is your girl getting ready?" I ask while walking closer to him. "She is oiling her car." Grumbling he sat on the chair. "Did you leave your worthless boyfriend out there?" Smiling acting innocent I say, "Of course. I am surprised you haven't gave him his pass. After all he is your identical twin." Daxton laughs at that. "Him and my girlfriend are to close for my liking." I nod my head in understanding. "He doesn't like how close we are. However, I don't care. Your my bestie well for a guy." I stated. Someone slaps my butt. 'Who is that?' I mouth to Dax. Looking at me he smirks and shakes his head. Turning around I noticed that it was Rosie and....Tucker. Er well shit. I seriously got close this time. "Really Rosie?" I whine while walking over to Tucker.

"Cheer for me my little cheers." Rosie said with that she blew a kiss. Which of course Daxton acted and caught the kiss. "Sometimes I swear if she told you to hold onto my hand you would." I said sarcastically. Daxton held out his hand for me to hold. That is when Tucker glared at his twin and grabbed my hand and faced me toward him. Looking up at him I caught a glance of jealousy. Our lips connected and they moved in sync. Until I hear a screeching noise. "TUCKER!!!! Your cheating on me."

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