The Obliteration of Innocence

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She remembers vividly how she got herself into this. She was young and carefree...until she wasn't.

Her father started drinking, and her mother never had time.

She never understood, she was barely 11.

She never meant to do this to herself.

She only wanted a friend. She yearned for the companionship she'd been deprived of.

Oh, but she yearned for the worst kind.

It called out to her during her weakest, slipping through the cracks of her breaking resolve.

Its haunting lullabies rocked her to sleep, its chilled appendages wiping her tears.

The second it gave her an escape; she took it.

She was scared and alone, desperate for a gentle touch.

Anything to show someone cared.

It promised a home, a  family.

Of course she would take  it. wasn't what she bargained for.

By the time she'd realized what she'd gotten herself was too late.

It had already sunk its claws into her. It was far too late for escape.

She was worked to the bone, day in and day out. 

She was trained to kill.

She was beaten, bruised, and bloodied.

But she was loved.

It always told her how much it loved her.

At the end of the day, it cleaned her wounds and praised her work.

She was appreciated.

She hurt, yes.

She knows that on day, she'll be thrown away. it doesn't need her as she needs it.

But, even so, She carries the title of Westbury's Faery with sickening pride.

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