My baby years

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I was born in Cuba i was the youngest with my 3 older brothers and 1 sister. I honestly don't even know where I was born, all I know is that we moved around a lot. I remember being small and running around causing people problems and not giving two fucks about what people said because I was young and I didn't know any better. I think my best memory of when I was young was the time I dropped my food on the ground and my big brother Miguel picked it up out of the ground and ate it. I know weird memory but non the less the best memory I have because it's the funniest. At around the age of 6 I left Cuba and moved to Orlando Florida, i think the first memory I have of here was me drinking a sprite for the first time. The firs school I ever went to was an elementary school in Apopka where I learned absolutely nothing, I was in a English school and I only spoke Spanish so they held me back 2 times because I didn't understand most of what was thought. My second school in America was a Spanish speaking school. Even in this school I didn't really learn anything I was more interested in doing other things with my time. I would have rather looked at a tree all day then sit in class and listen to a teacher talk about what is 2 + 2 I felt like I could have put so much time into other things even tho I was only around 7-8 at the time. Close to the age of 8-10 around there we moved to Las Vegas Nevada, I never understood why we moved there but we moved anyways. I don't remember much from Las Vegas but the memories I do have are all good. Like going to the park or going into a casino. We were only in Las Vegas for around 6 months, then we moved back down to Orlando. We moved into this apartment complex were kids roamed around telling and screaming and just having plain fun. I think I was around 9-10 at the time and I got really hooked on this game called Bakugan. We were there for at least 6-8 months, then we moved again. The places that we moved to will always be the second best place on this planet for me, i will talk about the first later on. It was in Apopka and I made 2 of the best friends I could have ever made 1 of which is still my friend today. My favorite memory from that part of my life is when I was standing on a ball and one of my friends threw something at the ball and it made me fall. I believe we remember the worst memories because those are the memories that truly define us. At the age of 12-13 we moved to this place called West Palm Beach in Florida I finished middle school there and made some of the most interesting friends I shall never forget. After that I moved to Homestead Florida were my big brother Miguel lived. For a long while everything seemed alright with the world, till my step dad suddenly died of cancer, I remember waking up one day and my mom crying her eyes out yelling "please don't go" second saddest moment in my life I will get to the first later, I remember the day so clearly. I remember the nurse told me to go for a walk while and think about everything and I did, and on that walk I really didn't know what to think I was so lost, I went to the swings and started swinging, for a long while I kept swinging and swinging. Once I stopped swinging I looked up at the sky and I said "where did you go". I was so young I didn't even understand much of what had happened at the time. One week later passed and I'm sitting at home on a video chat with some of my friends and I'm literally jumping around off the walls in my room, and the. I kick a hole in the wall, I felt so bad for putting my mom through so much because now she had to deal with a hole in the wall. It was at this single moment in my life I finally understood what grief was, I went outside and I started to cry the apartments stairs and blamed myself for everything that happened. Also around the same time my brother stopped talking to us, I never knew why but he stopped talking to us and so we moved back to Orlando.

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