
15 2 0

By: tash07

Pale as the white dress she adorns

She stands

A clean slate alive

Her eyes mists over

Her fingers shiver

Trying to elicit a response from within

As tears slide down

Her breath catches

Trying to contain

The tremor that threatens to shake

Like an earthquake waiting to strike

Or a volcano ravaging the plains of the Nile

She feels the onslaught

The tepid pangs

Shallow at first

Then unwavering against the heat

Intrepidly she slides down

Her cheek against the sun's glare

Teardrops catching like diamonds against the sunshine

Was it worth it now?

To stand back up

To face them

Hunched over till she feels it hard to breathe

She clutches her heart

Trying to find an answer

Will she ever be able to look them in the eye?

To tell them what they did to her

Tell them the tale of how they spurned

How they unraveled her

A thin roll of ribbon

Which they tugged and pulled at

Every chance they got.

Inhaling a deep breaTH

She stretches her legs

Arches her back and Lys back

In this moment

She would breathe

Exhale a breath

Breathe in

Break free from the restraints

They had created

Catch the pieces

Of her mangled dreams

Piece it together

And walk away unseen.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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