They eat and they go to school. 💚❤️(Idk)💛💙

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Bella and Lily left the meeting and went to Bella's room. "So is there secret rooms all over this house or is there only one?" Lily asked.

"There's hundreds. The one we were in today was the Black room. That's why you had to tap the constellation or stars. Orion Black, Regulus Black and Sirius Black." Bella explained.

"Sirius was my dad's godfather." Lily smiled. She took a sip of her water and looked out the window. It was a bright summers day but neither felt like playing or sunbathing.

"There's more around the house. There's the Strange room, as is Bellatrix and Rudolphus Lestrange. There's the morph room, for Nymphadora and Teddy. And so on." Bella continued with her explanation.

"Is there one for the Potters?" Lily smirked. Bella shook her head and laughed.

"No but there is one in honour of Severus. You have to pick the right potion and there's clues. Of course all is Malfoys know the right one. We made them all. Well actually dad did but me and Scorpius helped with my favourite secret room. You see no all of them at meeting rooms, some of them are fun. My personal favourite is the Muggle music room."

"How do you get into that one?" Lily sat up truly engaged.

"Not telling." Bella smirked and they both burst out laughing.

"Bella! Lily! Dinner!" Narcissa shouted from the bottom of the stairs. The walked down and saw the dining table at its fullest glory. It's normally just set for three. Now it was set for 16 people.

Sophia had been staying at Neville and Luna's after being turned out by Pansy and her and Starla arrived from Neville's grandmothers.

(I'm not going to explain how they are all sitting. Just look at the plan at the start f the chapter. AKA I AM LAZY.)

"So are you kids excited for your second, third, fourth or fifth year?" Neville asked. All the kids nodded.

"You know James our fifth year was a very eventful one." Luna sighed next to her husband. "The nargles kept stealing things from me."

All the adults apart from Narcissa rolled their eyes and everyone else looked around confused. Starla however just sat there eating her mashed potato.

"What are nargles?" Bella whispered to Harry after everyone had returned to eating. He chuckled.

"I have no idea." He replied.

Most of them went to bed happy that night. Starla and Sophia were sharing a room. Lily and Rose would sleep in Bella's room. Hugo would go with Albus in Scorpius' room. James had his own. Draco had his own. Narcissa had her own. Harry and Ginny would sleep in the same room as Ron and Neville and Luna had a separate room.

The next morning was September 1st. The girls couldn't wait. It was a Saturday so lessons wouldn't start until the following Monday, which meant they had a whole day to get ready when they got there.

They all ate breakfast at the long table and Narcissa and Ginny decided to stay behind and clean up.

Draco took Bella and Scorpius, Harry took Lily, Albus, Neville took Starla and Sophia, Luna took James and Ron took Hugo and Rose and they all apparated to kings cross while the 4 house elves who chose to stay took their stuff.

Draco had tried to free all the elves and succeeded with most of them but 4 of them wanted to stay and help the boy who had always been kind to them.

The kids hugged their parents goodbye and got on the train. Starla, Sophia, Bella and Lily all sat in one compartment and the rest went to find their friends.

They waved out the window and saw Harry, Draco and Neville apparating away. Probably to get the school sorted for the pupils arrivals.

Lucy soon joined the 4 girls and they chatted until they had to get their robes on and then leave the train.

They all went to their respective tables and waited on Mcgonigall making her speech and then Neville bringing in the first years. Everyone noticed the older girl at the back.

She had waist length gingery-brown hair and hazel eyes, that were darting around the different tables.

"First of all we have a new third year, she has just moved her Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in America." Neville said to the crowds. "Elizabeth Scamander." (Elizabeth_l26 follow her) The girl walked up and sat on the stool. The hat was put on her head.

It sat for a moment and then decided. "SLYTHERPUFF!" She was unsure what to do before Neville directed her to the Slytherin table. Bella slid down to the end of the bench and sat opposite her. Lily and Sophia followed. Lily next to Bella and Sophia next to Elizabeth.

"Hi I'm Bella Malfoy, this is Lily Potter and Sophia Parkinson." Bella smiled and held out her hand.

"I'm Elizabeth Scamander." She smiled and took Bella's hand.

"Are you related to Newt Scamander?" Sophia asked. Elizabeth nodded.

"He's my great grandfather." She said. They all smiled at her.

"Cool." Lily said.

"Not as cool as your name. Potter?" Elizabeth said. "And a Malfoy too."

"I get how you've heard of Lily's dad but how have you heard of Malfoy?" Bella asked.

"Oh I read Hogwarts: a history and it had a part on the battle of Hogwarts, everything that happened. Including Narcissa Malfoy lying to you-know-who." She replied. The sorting was over and the food had appeared in front of them so they dug in.

"You know you can say Voldemort. He's not coming back. No netter how hard Lucius tries." Lily muttered

"Someone's trying to get him back?"

"No no. My grandfather Lucius, he still believes in all that but don't worry. He's under control." Bella covered up for Lily. "Lils can you pass me the carrots?"

"Yes my queen." Lily joked.

"I'm the princess not queen."

"I'm so confused." Elizabeth said. The three other girls looked at each other and then back at Elizabeth.

"Can you keep a secret?" Sophia asked. Elizabeth nodded. "Come on then." Thy pulled her away to the Slytherin dorms and told her everything.

"So he's not under control?" Bella laughed and shook her head. There was a knock on the door and Draco walked in.

"Hello Miss Scamander I'm the head of house for Slytherin. I have spoken with Professor Sprout and we have decided to give you a bed in both dorms. Sophia got moved from her dorm room to in here with Bella and Lily. Your Slytherin bed will be here too as I see you have already made friends with them." She nodded and he turned to leave before turning back again. "Oh and Bella, I'm taking you to the graveyard tomorrow, so be up early."

"Yes Professor Malfoy." She smiled. All the other girls laughed and started talking until they were all yawning.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight girls." Bella said.

"Night princess."

"Goodnight your highness."

"Sweet dreams your majesty."

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