Chapter 4: Psychopath Date

Start from the beginning

He paused a bit to unlock the door and continue to pull me until I was inside. As soon as I saw what was inside the room I was holding my mouth to stop myself from sobbing. This room was a torture room with all the whips, chains, a table with handcuffs on each corner, variety of knives and other torturous devices that I didn’t know the name to.

He bent his head down to my ear and whisper “this is what I wanted to show you. Do you like it”? I was full on sobbing by this point and begging him to let me go but he just gave me his sadistic smile and drags me to a chair and handcuffs me to the chair. After he was satisfied he walks out the door and locked it.

I was crying and cursing myself for not paying attention to details that tells something was wrong. A few minutes later I decided crying was not going to help me so look around for something that I can use to open the handcuffs. I guess I had some luck as there was a small knife on the floor. So I stretch my feet till I had the knife under my foot and drag it to me. Once it was close enough I took the knife in between my teeth and use it to force open the handcuffs. It opens with a click and I quickly did the other one.

Once I was free as fast as possible I got up and search for something that was hard so that I could hit him when he comes to this room. Bingo I found it. It was like a hammer but bigger.

I waited by the door so when he opens it I can quickly hit him at the back of his head without him knowing what happened. My heart was pounding like it was trying to leap of my chest when I heard his loud footstep getting louder until I hear the clinking of keys and the door opening.

As soon as he was within range I swung the hammer at his head as hard as I could. I heard a sickening crack and a body falling on the ground with a thud. I breathed heavily terrified. I slowly walk to his body to check if he is still a live. There was still a pulse but faint which means he is still alive. I sigh in relief I didn’t kill him.

I snap out of my thoughts to check his pants for the keys and once I found it I grab all my belongings and took off to the front door and unlock it. Then I ran to his car and start his engine. I drove past the speed limit to the bus station.

Once I reach to bus stop I abandon the car. I didn’t want him to track me with his car. I manage to get the last ticket to the city. The bus stop at the bus station in the city at midnight and from there I took a cab to my friend’s house. The cab reaches my friend’s house within 20 minutes. I pay him with a tip and got out of the cab walking as fast as I could to the door almost crying with relief when something grabs me from behind. I screamed. 

I woke up with a gasp and nervously look around me. I breathe a sigh of relief when I see that I am in my best friend guest bedroom which technically became mine because I am the only one to ever sleep here. It was just a nightmare. I have been having the same reoccurring dream for the past few days. It’s the same as what happened I experienced but in the dream I never make it to my friend’s house.

I shuddered trying to get rid of the nightmare. It has been about four days since that traumatic experience happened. When I was explaining to Scarlett what happened it took a while because she kept interrupting me with angry out burst. It was quite funny watching all the different expression on her face.

We went to the police station a day after I reach her house to put a police report but they couldn’t do much because he is a very powerful man with a lot contacts with politics that he could get out of almost everything and I don’t have enough evidence to support my accusation.

So we let it be for know. We put tons of cameras on the front lawn of Scarlett’s house and inside the house also. For now I am staying at my best friend’s house until I am sure that I will be safe if I live alone. For the past few days I have been staying at her house doing nothing but cleaning the house while Scar (that is Scarlett’s nickname) goes to her work. She couldn’t take more than one off because she is still new and she is quite scared of her new boss so she does everything she to please him. I couldn’t blame her. I saw this video of him doing a conference even I nearly peed my pants even though it was just a video. He is that scary. I don’t know how Scar does it.

Anyway tomorrow I have to resume my work or I will be fired. I’m glad I’m going to work it might distract me from my nightmare.

I was just watching the television in the living room when I hear the front door opening. Scar’s home I thought. As soon as that thought past my mind Scar came to the living room and collapse on the couch beside the one I am sitting on. Now the rolls were reverse. I ask the same question she asked me before. “What happened to you”?

She took calming breaths and answers with a tired tone “My boss is seriously a demon from hell. He is even worse than what people say about him. I don’t know how am I going to keep up with all his demands” and let out a frustrated sigh. “Wow! What happened to make him a demon”? I ask curious to find out. It couldn’t be that bad maybe she exaggerated a bit.

“First he asked well more like ordered me to sort out all the files that were in his office within an hour and there was like a hundred files that needed to be sort. Then I had to check a presentation that he was going to present this afternoon and at the same time I had to push all his other meetings today to tomorrow because he was meeting with his family today and he gave me only two hours to complete it. My brain nearly exploded.” She made the hand gesture that her head exploded.”I barely made it in time and you know what he did he only grunted at me like he hated me for some reason kick me out of his office without a word of appreciation. The only things he said was so to sort out his emails until I go home” she finish her explanation with a huff.

“Okay that was bad. I am glad I never have to meet him” I said feeling lucky that the job that I have now all my colleague and boss are somewhat nice. She glared at me. I put my hands up in surrender. “Why don’t you have a nice bubble bath and I get things ready for movie night. How does that sound”? I said to her cautiously. I knew when she was in this mood she can easily snap.

After a few seconds she nods and got up tiredly off the couch and went to her room. I breathe a sigh of relief and start to get everything ready. By the time Scar came to the living room I already had everything ready and all I had to do was press play on the remote.

Once she was settle on the couch I pressed play and snuggle on the couch not really paying attention on the movie but about my problem and fell asleep with the thought that he might catch me when I least expect it.

I didn’t know how right I was.


Hello again! Sorry for the long wait. I want to thank all of you who read and voted for the story. It means a lot to me. Unfortunately I won’t be able to update next week because I have exam. I will update the next chapter a week after next.

Until next time!!!



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