Forms & Reservations

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You may reserve 2 tributes. They can either be 2 males, or 1 male + 1 female. Reservations last 48 hours, an if you don't hand in within that time frame, your spot will be available to someone else. You may re-reserve your spot. But only after a 1 hour call is placed on that spot where we will see if anyone else reserves it. If they do, you lose the spot. If nobody takes it, it's your spot again.






Appearance: (No Pictures)


Reaped or Volunteer: (If volunteer, explain. And be original...)


Weapon of Choice: (Realistic)

District Token: (Optional)


District One~

Male: QueenOfTheBarricade

Female: TheDarkHorse

District Two~

Male: Clato_

Female: AnnieCrestaDistrict4

District Three~

Male: SebastianGonzalezMen

Female: MagmaKepner

District Four~

Male: Infinite_Okays

Female: EverlastingDark

District Five~

Male: Twivergent_Direction

Female: TheHyperactiveShadow

District Six~

Male: MoreOrLess99

Female: TheCupcakeQueen

District Seven~


Female: TheTinyAngel

District Eight~


Female: SoupForBrains

District Nine~

Male: MoreOrLess99

Female: paintbrushes

District Ten~

Male: Infinite_Okays

Female: _odairable

District Eleven~

Male: EverlarkForever_

Female: Clove_Thenardier

District Twelve~


Female: hannahvree12

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