2 - Please Stay

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The atmosphere between Ron and Hermione wasn't much better at breakfast the next morning. Regardless of what Harry said, Ron was still suspicious of the exchange he had stumbled upon between Hermione and Malfoy. As far as he was aware, the only time they had spoken in previous years was when he was insulting her, not checking to see if she was okay.

Hermione was just as perplexed as Ron about the situation – Malfoy had never been considerate towards them before, especially not Hermione. Even after they saved his life in the Room of Requirement, they had still not spoken a friendly word to each other. She sat by herself at breakfast - half reading the morning paper and half focusing on Malfoy who was sat on the opposite side of the hall, she just couldn't shake him from her mind. It wasn't until Harry sat down opposite her and blocked her view that she realised how much she had actually been staring.

"You two still not talking?" Harry asked, glancing over at Ron who was sat further down the table with Neville and Seamus.

"Nope." Hermione sat up straight and started buttering her toast.

"What was the argument about anyway?"

"Didn't Ron tell you?"

"He did, but I want to hear your side of the story as well – you know how Ron can be." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"I just feel like he doesn't appreciate me anymore, Harry. During the summer he was all over me-" She paused, noticing Harry's change in expression. "Sorry, too much information?"

"It's fine, carry on..." He laughed.

"I just meant in the way that he would always show me affection. Now I'm thinking, is that only because he was grieving? He used to kiss all the time, every morning and even right before bed, now I'm lucky if he kisses me at least once day. I see you and Ginny together and we are nothing like you..."

"...You shouldn't compare yourself to other couples, Hermione. But on the other hand, if you're not happy then you do need to tell him."

"I've tried, but every time I mention anything about it he just gets defensive – hence the argument in the common room yesterday."

"I see..." Harry glanced back down at the table to Ron and could tell by his facial expressions that he was telling the boys about Hermione. "...I don't know what to tell you." He said, turning back to Hermione who was now chewing on a piece of toast. "Perhaps you were only ever meant to be friends?"

"Yeah, that's crossed my mind as well." She replied, feeling disheartened.

"You think she's seeing Malfoy?!"

Neville's voice suddenly carried up the Gryffindor table, loud enough for Harry and Hermione to hear. Narrowing her eyes, she turned quickly to look at Ron who was now as red as the tomato he had left on his plate.

"Oops." Neville slouched his shoulders, only just realising how loud he had spoken. Hermione threw the rest of her toast down on the plate and stood up, brushing the crumbs off her hands.

"I'll see you in class, Harry."

Without another word she stormed out of the great hall, not giving Ron a second look.

"Mate..." Harry had now moved up the table to join Ron, Neville and Seamus. "That definitely hasn't helped the situation."

"I'm so sorry, Ron." Neville pleaded. Although Ron didn't respond, he had his head buried in his hands and was mumbling inaudibly to himself.

"Received some bad news Weasl-bee? Or have you just eaten too much?" A cold voice spoke behind Harry, and Ron raised his head to see Draco Malfoy smirking down at him.

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