2- Umm... Hello?

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Warnings: Mentions of abuse.

Harry's POV:

My entire body feels like it's on fire. Every single thing is aching or hurting.

I'm not sure what curse Malfoy used on me, but I hope that it ends tomorrow.

I could practically faint, right here and now, it hurts so bad.

Obviously I haven't told Ron or Hermione. They'd worry too much, and I'd hate to be the cause of their worry.

I think they're worrying anyway, because if I ever feel ill or am hurt I don't mention it, so the fact that I'm mentioning it now means it hurts a lot.

Besides, they'd force me to go to the Hospital Wing with Madam Pomfrey. She's seen me so much that she fusses over me much more than any other student - and that's not a good thing.

The thing about me (and I know it's bad) is that when I feel pain or feel sick, I just deal with it.

The Dursleys always told me off when I was ill (like I wouldn't be after they made me garden for hours in the pouring rain during winter) or when I got hurt. I've just learnt to ignore it by now.

I've had yet to let Madam Pomfrey do a full examination of me as well. I don't want her to find out.

Find all the scars, the burns, the bones that healed incorrectly, my obvious ribs, cuts, bruises, whip marks.

It doesn't hurt that much.

Besides, for the moment, it's the scars Umbridge has forced me to carve into my hand, considering the pain seems to centre in on the thing that last made me hurt.

Even then it doesn't hurt that much, unless I use my hand for more than an hour. I can't lie on my side either, not with all the scars marring it.

I can't let Sirius find out.

He'd kill the Dursleys and then he would actually have a reason to be in Azkaban, which I definitely don't want to happen.

I also wouldn't have a home, considering Remus has his 'furry little problem' and Sirius is - well - an escaped convict.

I'm not looking forward to bed tonight. Maybe it'll get better.

Knowing my luck, it'll get worse.

Of course, I was right.


As the night went on, the pain slowly grew worse and worse.

A thought struck me and I gave a silent groan.

I forgot to put my silencing charms up.

I normally have them in case I scream from my nightmares, so that Ron, Dean, Seamus and Neville can sleep better than I do.

The pain's intensifying every second while I fight the urge to scream. I had been doing it for a while, wanting to let my friends sleep, but I finally lost the battle a second later.

Already thrashing and shaking, I added screaming to the mix. I could hear Ron jolt up in bed with a "bloody hell" with Seamus, Dean and Neville following suit - but without the language.

Ron walked over to me, feeling my forehead and swearing.

"Don't worry mate," he said. As he was doing so, he motioned to Neville to leave the room, likely to get somebody. "Dean, get a bucket in case he's sick, and Seamus, get me a cup of water."

I made use of the bucket as soon as it was by my side and the cup of water was soon thrown into my face afterwards.

It's very clear that Ron isn't Ron doctor - or a Healer - of any sort, if he thought that would help bring my temperature down.

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