The story of a wombat

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Hi i am Wolly and i know that some people have a lot of problems in their life but you just got to believe in your self and live life to the fullest. Because one wise wombat once said (my dad) " to be a cat you have to be a cat" and this saying works in so many ways , if you want to be a human be a human. If you want to be a wombat good on you because wombats are the greatest animals you will ever meet, enough talking about me now lets get to the story....


I missed my bus the 768 today and was waiting 10minutes until the next one, finally it came and Mr. Beaver let us all on, including my friend Poppy the Panda i have known her since we were both born, our perents were mates. Then sitting next to her was Harret the Hippo, he was Poppy's boyfriend, so he always hung out with me, which i didnt mind he was funny, funny looking too. Then at the back was Madi the ferret and Holly the fish. They were all my friends on the bus and i loved hanging out with them.

The bus all of a sudden stopped Mr. Beaver would always stop suddenly and if you werent holding on to a bar ,which i wasnt you would go flying, which was exactly what happened, it was not cool. Poppy and Harret kept laughing and i felt embarrassed. 

When we got off the bus, Lavender the bird and Bobby the Koala were waiting for us. i hugged them both and we went to class.

Sorry its short but i just wanted to start it i promise i will upload ever day, but it may only be short sorry again and btw have a nice day..

This story is deticated to the gorgus girl gwynette because she is going through some tough times and i want her to be happy :) thankyou

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