{Avenged Sevenfold} Help me Find My Way {Book 2} [4]

Start from the beginning

She chuckled.

"No but the lasanga will be done in about twenty minutes," she headed back towards the kitchen. I assumed to check on something in the kitchen that my question had reminded her of.

"So," Papa Gates said as he followed me down the hall to my room. I dropped the bag with my dad's stuff in it beside my over night bag.

"So?" I questioned when he didn't continue.

"Are you sure you haven't played drums before today?"

I blushed. "Well like I said I found the stuff in the storage earlier in the week and then I found the notebooks. I was mainly just trying to figure it out with..." I shrugged, not sure if I should continue.

"Boxes, walls, floor?" he grinned at me.

I  raised an eyebrow.

"Your dad would do the same thing when he was working on a new beat. When he was your age those sticks were like a permanent part of his body. He would be drumming everywhere. Fences, storefronts, cars, even air!" Papa Gates chuckled.

"Your grams used to complain that she found more drumsticks laying around the house than dustbunnies and Jimmy would tell her that just proved that she kept a neat house and that wasn't his fault."

I grinned at Papa Gates.

"So am I wrong in thinking that there was a Sanders family picnic today?"

I bit my lip and shook my head no.

He raised an eyebrow. Obviously he wasn't going to let me get away with not answering this one.

"Mom was mad when I told her I didn't want to go but after I found my dad's stuff Matt told me about Dad's old drum kit here and well I wanted to try and Matt set everything up."

"Yes, Matt is a good guy like that."

I sighed. "I can't do it yet. I tried and it just sits there like it wants to bubble up but I can't make it and then I just get so frustrated. I don't know why."

"Just keep practicing. You'll see one of these days it will come naturally to you and you will mean it. It's not just about you being physically able to do it. You have to want to and it has to mean something to you."

I stayed quiet not sure if he was talking about the drumming part I was struggling with or my situation with Matt.

We made our way downstairs and into the dining room where grams was just starting to serve dinner.

"Well I think this should help settle your stomach Andy. I do hope I made enough for everyone."

"Grams you always make enough to feed the entire Avenged family." I said with a small smile. It was true. We had enough to feed not only the five of us present but all the guys and their families and Brent and his family and probably the Berrys and their families.

"Well you never know with these boys when you will get unexpected company, right Brian?"

Papa Gates nodded as he filled his plate. I filled mine and the first few minutes were quiet as everyone dug in.

"So what kind of kit are you going with at home?" He asked me.

"Uh...I don't know. I haven't really thought about it much. Honestly today was the first time I've ever even considered whether or not I wanted to play."

He nodded to me. "I noticed you were using your dad's sticks..."

"Actually they're mine," I said feeling a little pride in the fact I could say that.

{Avenged Sevenfold} Help Me Find My Way {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now