Chapter 3: Meeting The CEO

Start from the beginning

I shook that thought away and replied him with a "yes sir". He nodded then dismisses me. I walk as quickly as was possible out of his office and to my desk. Once I am seated on my chair I let out a sigh. That was so scary I almost hyperventilated. I was just checking to see if he has any emails to sort out when Catherine is standing beside. "Hey its lunch time. I am starving. Let's go eat" she wine. I chuckle at her. "Okay! Let's go" I said while saving whatever I was doing and switching off the computer. Grab my wallet, phone and got out of my seat. Together I and Catherine went to the elevator.

Once we were out of the building Catherine took me to this cute little café that she always go to that have the best food. We grab a seat near the window. The waitress came and asks us for our order. I ordered the beef burger and watermelon juice while Catherine ordered the lasagna and apple juice. After the waitress left with our orders she ask me "How is working with the boss so far". "It's okay but a bit scary". "Yeah that's what all the previous secretary says" she nodded. "Is he really as bad as all the other people says" I ask her nervously. She thought about it. "Not really. As long as you do your work and hand it on time you will have no problem". I nodded relief to hear that.

"You should watch out for veronica" she told me. "Who?" I ask confuse as to who she is referring to. "You know the leader of the sluts that came to you this morning" she explained. "Oh her" remembering the incident this morning. "So that's her name so typical" I roll my eyes. (No offence to all the veronicas out there) "Yeah her. She and her gang of bimbos are the reason the entire previous secretary quit" she warn me. "And I am pretty sure they have something in store for you. So that you will quit the job. She was quite piss with you attitude this morning and I heard her talking to the other bimbos on how she was going to teach you a lesson you will never forget " she said with concern in her voice. "Oh don't worry about me I can handle those whores. I had to deal with her kind of people since I was in middle school" I reassure her.

She didn't look to convince but drop the subject and talk about all the people I need to know and who I need to avoid if I don't want any trouble. After we finish lunch with her insisting to pay I let her and we went back to the office going our separate way to our desk.

So for the rest of the day I was just sorting out his schedule and emails. When the clock on the office wall strikes 5 o'clock I tidied my desk and save the entire document on the computer and then switch it of. I grab my handbag and satchels got out of my chair and stop by Catherine's desk to say goodbye and then went to the elevator. The elevator was cramp because there are a lot of people. I was glad when the elevator finally reaches the ground floor and opens with a 'ding'.

I rush out the building only pausing to say goodbye to Sarah. Once I reach my car I open the door and put my stuff at the backseat. I switch on the engine and drove out the car park and drove towards home.

I reach home at about five twenty. I was careful this time. Waiting a bit before opening the door incase my friend wants to surprise me again. She wasn't here. I check all around the house and it was empty. So I relax walking to my bedroom picking out clothes I am going to sleep with and going to my private bathroom to have a nice long bath.

I was just coming out of my bathroom when I hear the doorbell ringing. I walk to the front door and saw that it was only Bethany. But when I look closer she looks panic and always looking behind her shoulder as if she was running from someone. I quickly open the door. Bethany came rushing inside the house bagging the door shut and locking it. Then collapse in a heap at the door.

I am staring at her as if she has lost her mind. Once she check outside and satisfied that she couldn't see anyone she let out a relief sigh and walk to the living room and fell down on the couch.

"What in the hell happen to you?" I ask her worried and confuse about her behavior. She never acts like this before. I was really worried if something really bad happen to her and I wasn't there to help her.

She took a deep breath. "I'm in deep shit" with the most serious voice I have ever heard her use so I know she wasn't joking. "What happened?" I repeated. She took another deep breath. "I may have involved myself with someone that is a psychopath and could not take a rejection" her voice was trembling at the end.

I went to hug her and tell her that everything is alright. That we will figure this out together and that she was not alone. I could not understand her boyfriend was nice when I met him so I guess looks can be deceiving.

"What happen when you broke up with him" I ask her gently. Needing to know what happen to her and if he hit her or not.

"I-I went to-to talk to him about bre-breaking up bu-but he-he" she stutters and breaking out in a loud sob so I told her she does not have to tell me know. I told her to take a shower and sleep here. She did walking like she had no energy to the guess bathroom. I shook my head worried that this problem will traumatize her until she can not trust any guy.

I made sure to tuck her in bed and that she is comfortable before going to my own room determine to know what happen to her tomorrow when she is calmer.

When I was about to sleep I remembered about the threat that Catherine told me about the whore. I let out a tired sigh so many things are happening after I started the new job and I was hoping this new chapter of my life to stress free.

Whatever I will think of something to take care of the whore without much trouble and how to solve Bethany's problem.

With that thought I fell into a restless sleep.


That is all for today. I will probably update tomorrow if not next weekend. Hope you enjoy and again sorry for the grammar mistakes if there are any. I will reedit the story after its finish.

Until next time!

Bye!!!! J

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