Chapter 1--Going to see her

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I walk out of the hospital alone per usual when I get a call from my older sister Nikki.

"Hey Nikki, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing much I just have a question for you." Nikki answered.

"Fire away."

"Alright so, I want my family to be here with me while I heal, and I need help around the house."

"So you want me to come over?" I asked.


"Alright Nikki, anything for you." I laughed. "Bye."

"Bye! Love you!"

"Love you too." and with that I hung up and opened my car door. I sat down and started up the car. I looked down at my segically repaired foot. No one but my best friend knows that I had surgury today. But everyone knows about Nikki and her injury. Everyone really cares about her injury. I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone went off. I checked it and saw that my best friend Dolph Ziggler just texted me.



D:How was the surgery?

K:It went well it was only my foot , my shoulder surgery is gonna be bad though.

D:Ya, it sucks that its tomorrow.

K:Yeah well now I have to drive home with a hurt foot.

D:Think again

After reading that text I tilted my head in confusion.

K:What do you mean?

D:Look behind your car

I opened my car door and turned around to see Dolph with a huge smile and a rose. I smiled and walked- more like ran over to him then hugged him, I heard his adorable chuckle--wait adorable? Well yeah, adorable. I pulled away from the hug and looked at the rose he was holding. It had a small card attached to it.

"Who's that for?" I asked, Dolph laughed once again

"You." He smiled and handed me the rose. I blushed and took it, I look at the card, it read.

I promise I won't leave your side until you're healed.


I smiled and hugged him.

"What about your career?" I asked, Dolph smiled.

"Well, I'm not going back to WWE for at least another 5 months." Dolph answered. I smiled and hugged him one more time.

"Does this mean you're going with me to my surgery tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yep!" He answered. I nodded.

"Can you do me a favor and drive me home?" I asked politely, Dolph nodded and walked over to my car. "Thanks Ziggy!"I exclaimed, he chuckled and replied with a simple 'You welcome'. he got in the drivers seat and I got in the passengers seat. Now you may be wondering, how did I get injured?  It's a funny story actually. During my match with TJ Perkins he injured my foot so I already knew that I was going to need medical help but then he made it worse, then he accidentally dislocated my shoulder but in the end I won the cruiser weight classic, but I had to forfeit my title so now he holds it. Yay me. Anyways, as we were driving I got a text from Brie.

B:Hey! I heard you were coming down to Nicole's, will you be here in time for mom's wedding?

K:Hi! And yeah I will be, I'm leaving tomorrow around 7 or 8.

B:KK, thankk you! Maybe now we'll have someone sane in the house, and the we is Bryan and I.

K:Maybe, depends on how sane I want to be those days, anyways gtgbye!

I put away my phone and then something clicks into my mind.

"Hey D?" I ask.

"Yeah?" Dolph answered.

"Nicole wants me to go to her place till she heals, so I don't think you can fufill your promise."

"Nonsense, I'll just go with you."

"Alright, it's your funeral."

-Time Skip-

I was hanging out with Dolph at my house. I just got out of surgery roughly five to six hours ago. Now I was faced with the task of calling up Nikki and asking if Dolph can join me at her place. I take out my iPhone and tell Siri to call Nikki. I put it on speaker and the phone rings a couple times before she answers.


K:"Hey Nikki! What's up?"

N:"Oh nothing really, just talking with Brie. What about you?"

K:"Well, I was just calling to ask you a question."

N:"Ask away."

K:"I was wondering if I could bring a plus one."

N:"A plus one? As in an other person?"


N:"If its just a friend of yours it would be a no, but if you were planning on bringing a would be a yes."

I looked to Dolph and he shrugged and nodded as if saying, 'why not?'. I smiled at him and replied to Nikki.

K:"The plus one is indeed a boy, who I happen to be with."

An ear shattering squeal was heard from the other end of the call. In fact it was two squeals. Brie was there. Great.

N:"Its fine with me, I'm sure John will be fine with it too. Just keep in mind you will be sharing the guest house with Brie and Daniel. Did you get my text of things to pack?"

K:"Yeah I did. I'm am ready packed and ready to go. We'll be there around eight ish."

N:"Alright. See you and your mystery man soon!"

Nikki hung up and I rolled my eyes. I looked at Dolph and I noticed he was laughing.

"Were you trying to hold that in the whole time?" I asked, he nodded while still laughing. I smiled and shook my head. "I hope you realize the hell we just sentenced ourselfs to."

"Yeah, we better talk about the whole pretend to be dating thing."

"We can do that on the ride there. Lets get going."

-Nikki's POV-

I hung up the phone and looked over at Brie.

"Our little sister has a boyfriend." I said.

"Our little sister has a boyfriend." Brie said a little louder.

"Our little sister has a boyfriend!" We squealed in unison. We smiled at each other and walked down the stairs to where everyone else is.

"You two look happy." Bryan smiled at us.

"Well thats because we just some fantastic news." I said making everyone look at me in anticipation. I smiled over at Brie telling her to share the news.

"Well, for starters Kat is coming over soon and is staying with us, but." Brie looked to me hoping I would continue.

"She's bringing a plus one." I finished. Brie smiled as did I. Everyone looked shocked. Then they smiled.

"My twin sister has a boyfriend?" JJ asked himself more than Brie and I. My mom smiled.

"Do we know who this mystery man is?" John asked. Brie and I shook our heads. John raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. "When will they be here?"

"Kat said around eight." Brie informed them. They all nodded and I checked the time. 7:23. Not to long before I finally meet my sisters boyfriend.


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