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Taylor's POV

"Can we, uh, play Ignorance again? I uh... Messed up on a chord..." I said embarrassed.
"Fine, Tay. We didn't notice it though!" Hayley responded with a smile.
"Well I noticed..."
Jeremy chuckled, "You're such a perfectionist, Taylor."
"Well I just want to deliver the best to our fans" I snapped back angrily.
The mood of the room changed from happy and joyful to tense and awkward.
I awkwardly sat there blushing hoping that Hayley would move on with playing Ignorance again or that Jeremy would crack another joke.
"Uh..." I said awkwardly. They were too awkward from what I said to say anything. "Lets go ahead and continue? Or should we take a-"
"A break would be nice!" Hayley exclaimed immediately jumping up.
"Yea! How about we go ahead and eat something! I'll pay for lunch." Jeremy exclaimed also getting off his seat.
"Ok..." I still felt awkward. Hayley and Jerm were discussing what to eat, and I sight frustrated.
Hayley and Jeremy heard my sigh and Hayley walked over to me. She placed her hand on my shoulder. Her warm touch made me blush a bit.
I heard Jeremy chuckle and remember what he said earlier. I tried not to focus on it.
Hayley smiled, and I got lost in her eyes, "You okay, T?" She asked kindly.
I loved how kind she was. So caring and sweet. Making sure everyone was okay.
"Yea I'm fine." I replied with a smile, "Let's go get some grub, huh? All I wanted was fooooood." I teased.
I hoped that my dorkiness would make Hayley laugh, and it did.
"I don't understand you sometimes, York" she chuckled.

The three of us decided to eat some Five Guys- or Hayley decided.
"I'm in the mood for a burger" she said.
"I don't know I want some pizza!" Jeremy protested.
My stomach started growling and I wished that we would just go and eat something instead of protest on what to eat.
"But Five Guys is super good-" Hayley kept protesting.
"And pizza is better!" Jeremy cried throwing his arms in the air.
I chuckled and crossed my arms.
"Well obviously Taylor has to choose Pizza or Five Guys. Majority wins!" Jeremy said, and they both turned to me.
"Well..." I began. "Pizza does sound pretty good..." I shrugged.
Jeremy jumped and lifted his arms in the air in victory.
Hayley, however, looked at me with big puppy eyes.
I couldn't resist.
"But I would much prefer Five Guys." I spat out.
Jeremy stopped dancing in victory as he stared at me like I just killed his wife, Kat.
I laughed and watched Hayley dance around in victory.
Sometimes I was just too kind to her...
I couldn't help it, though. She was perfect.
I just wanted her to be happy...
"What are you smiling at, Taylor Dork?" Jerm chuckled.
I realized that I was staring at Hayley and I blushed.
"I was admiring Hayley's victory dance! If anyone's a dork, it's her." I forced a chuckle. I half lied. I was enjoying her dance, but not in a way of humor.
"Then why were you smiling?" Jerm replied.
I nearly punched his arm when Hayley stopped dancing and grabbed her purse.
"Don't forget the wallet, Jerm. You're paying. Taylor, don't forget your beanie. And I just have everything I need!" She smiled.
I smiled.
"And why is it so important that I need my beanie, Mrs. Williams?" I joked.
"You look cute in it!" She exclaimed as she patted my head and handed me the beanie. She then left the van and started towards Five Guys.
I could practically feel my cheeks burning from blushing.
"Did she just...?" I asked in shock.
"Yes she did, Mr. I have a CrushCrushCrush." Jerm chuckled as he patted my head. He headed out the van to meet up with Hayley.
I stood still for a second and smiled: Hayley Williams called me cute. I placed my beanie on and dashed out the door of the van.

My Heart: A Tayley FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now