Chapter 1

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"OK ,Lucy!" 

As i tried to pull Lucy off of me dang she is getting so HEAVY! 

" i HEARD THAT!!" she retorted 

oh i forgot dang mind link and thought 

"HEARD THAT TOO!" she yelled walking out of my room and into hers to get ready for school. 

I hate it that we have to live in the pack house but is is bigger than our old house our house was a 2 story, this one is a 3 story. You know just in case someone needs to live here for a little whie but for now it's just my and my baby sister Lulu. 

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" she hissed 


She sometimes hates it when i call her that. Our mom used to call her that .Just thinking about our beautiful mom makes me cry 


"Mom don't go please mom!" 

" Sweetie you need to take care of your sister and your father." she said very faintly about to close her eyes 

" Momma I don't know how to take care of a baby fully on my own." i cried while talking to her  

" Baby girl I know you can take care of Lucy besides she's only 3 1/2 years old." 

"momma? MOMMA?!" I said while trying to wake her  

She opened her eyes and dropped something in my hand I looked down to see it was her blue Sapphire, heart shaped necklace. 

"NO MOMMA, NO!!" I said as tears blurred my vision. 

" yes my pup. You know that you will have to become Luna for momma." 

i was crying kneeling over the bed while holding her hand and resting it on my hand. 

"momma please don't go..." 


"ELLA, ELLA?!"  

I shook my head and saw Lucy waving her hand in front of my with a worried expression on her face and tears filling her eyes. 

i forgot since we are white wolves and have special powers she saw my vision recap. 


i ran out of my room into my bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. 

Sometimes i feel like i have scars or bruises on me so i always double check. 

It's been like that when my mom was alive. she would always check me. Why? i have no clue! 

same tan skin, same forest green eyes, same black long, wavy hair. OK now time to get dressed. 

Lucy was waiting on me so i put on my black skinny jeans, my hot pink saggy tee with a black muscle shirt underneath and my stilettos. Grabbed my backpack a apple and ran to my red camarro car. Yeah our pack is kinda rich.  

i dropped Lucy off and Headed to school. Yay! (not) 

I hate it there. Because of my Stupid EX who still THINKS WE' ARE STILL TOGETHER !! 

What point of lying,cheater and slap to the face does he not understand?! 

I ran to my locker and was almost home free from John when BAM! I bumped into him and he grabbed me into a bear hug. FREAKING IDIOT!! 

"Hey baby!" he said like last week never happened! 

" get OUT OF MY WAY YOU .....!" as i was trying to finish my sentence he kissed me SOME NERV! 

I WAS ABOUT TO SHIFT RIGHT THERE .... but i heard a voice say.. " HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!" 

i turned to see a guy with tanned skin,and  muscular  with gorgeous black hair.  


" Oh great!" i said  

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