Demons in Love

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I feel the sting coming near. I know the feeling by heart. My vision blurs up. My heart stops and I fall to my knees. My breath changes and I can't breathe. I want to scream, but I know I can't. I know you will hear me so I keep silent. I want to fall apart and scream. Your name runs through my mind. I feel your breath on my neck. Your touch makes me go crazy. You show you care with each kiss. You make me go numb all over. I want you more than anything right this second. I love the way you touch me and hold me. You made me who I am. When you kiss me my knees weaken. I quit trying not to scream. And I screamed your name and shuttered when I did. You quit moving when i did. You staid there for what felt like forever. You stared at me and when you didn't look away I blushed. You started back rough and fast. You had me moaning like crazy. I love the way it feels. The pain was gone. Nothing was left, but the memory. You make me smile every time your near me.

Demons in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now