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(author's note) this is a oneshot related to my story "re: vamped" on ff.net — so i wouldn't recommend reading this unless you're familiar with said story. the cover photo is a heavily edited version of "tango night" by marielitaaa from deviantart.

thanks for reading, so without further ado... here's a kaname/shiori oneshot!

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Shiori examined her black satin dress in the mirror, face clear of any expression despite how content she felt inside.

It had been some time since she last attended a ball —one hosted by the Ichijō family no less— so she was feeling slightly giddy.

Even if she seriously hated how loud and crowded the events could be. At least she wouldn't have to socialize all that much; even after all these years, Kaname still took care of most of the political drama.

Shiori didn't mind (she most certainly welcomed it) and would rather be dancing with her dear friends, or possibly pigging out at the dessert table.

"You look beautiful, Shiori-sama."

The brunette met coffee colored eyes when she looked over her shoulder, tearing her gaze from the mirror in front of her.

Ruka Sōuen stared back at her, a sullen expression on her face. The aristocrat was dressed up as formally as Shiori was, also ready to go to the ball— maybe Shiori would compliment her too...if she wasn't too busy trying to burn a hole through her skull.

Ever since the engagement between Kaname and Shiori was officially announced to the public, Ruka had started to give Shiori the cold shoulder.

This petty and childish behavior annoyed the pureblood to no end, which was saying something, considering how immature she could be at times.

"You used to call me 'Shiori-chan'."

"I did." Ruka nodded, not moving from her spot in the doorway.

Shiori sighed, glancing once more in the mirror before brushing past Ruka and towards where she knew Kaname was waiting for her. If Ruka was going to act like that, there was nothing Shiori could say to stop her.

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"Were you waiting for too long?" Shiori asked with a small smile as she walked into the room.

At her voice, Kaname turned, though he had probably sensed her approaching awhile beforehand. The smile he showed her was one of extreme awe and happiness, "I could wait for you forever, and I would still remain patient."

Shiori silently rolled her eyes at the sappiness of his statement, but her smile remained nevertheless. She showed the most emotion when she was with Kaname; a fact the male aways liked to revel in.

"You look stunning, my love." Kaname gently took her hand in his, pecking each one of her knuckles before placing one on her forehead
as well.

Shiori bowed her head slightly, in a way of thanks and to also hide her slightly reddening cheeks.

"Why are you hiding?" Her twin chuckled at the action, tilting her chin up so that he could see her face better. Kaname closed the distance between them.

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