The Nightmare Comes True

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*Starling up top*

Starling's POV:
*I hear aloud banging on my door, i look at the clock and see that it says 6:15am. I jumped out of bed and notice I overslept. My door slams open and I see Brandon staring at me in anger and I an thrown into a corn, he slams me against the wall rips my night gown. I started balling he puts his hand over my month and says "shut up Star this will be over quick if you dont struggle!" he pulls his pants down and rapes me. No one has gone this far, when he is done I fall to the ground and cry. He stomps out of the room he gets to the door and looks back at me "you have fifteen minutes to get ready for school, and Star, Happy sixteenth birthday also there is more where that came from."

I get up from the floor and heads to the bathroom to take a shower. That was the first time Brandon has gone that far, I get in the shower and let the hot water run down my aching body, I watch the blood run down the drain. I cant belive Brandon had took my innocents which I was saving for my mate. I hope my mate doesn't reject me. I get out of the shower took a towel and dried off. I decided to wear a black skater skrit with black leggings and combat boots,my hair was curly so i didnt have to fix it. I put black lipgloss on, black eye shadow. I look at myself in the mirror  I pulled myself together  I meet Brandon downstairs by the door. We lived about fifteteen minutes from the school. He grabbed my arms and said "don't you dear tell anyone what happed this morning if you do it will be worst next time." I shook my head he got out and walked to where his mate Rosie is she looks back at me and smile a little. Rosie and I use to be best friends until she found out my cousin Brandon was her mate. We stopped hanging out. That was three years ago. I walked into the school and headed to my locker. I ran into something hard as a rock I looked up into beautiful green eyes. I smelt cinnamon and woods. I looked up at him and realized who it was I turned and ran out of the school into the woods, I hear someone yelling my name I ignored them I get into the woods and felt a shoot of pain run through my body I fell to the ground screaming in pain, I was shifteing if you start shifting without your mate its super painful and you could die. I just found my mate and ran off now I am shifting. I close my eyes waiting for my death at least I will be with my parents. I felt myself being took into someones arms I felt shocks so  I knew it was my mate, but I couldn't open my eyes because I was in so much pain. I layed there waiting for the pain to stop finely my bones started cracking which ment I will be in my wolf form soon. My mate was telling me to hold on. He said he didn't want to lose me. I layed there.

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