Chapter Forty-Three: The Constant & The Winter Soldier - Loyalty

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Not all of the programming has taken this time. Not enough to matter, not enough to endanger the mission but just enough for him to believe he means something to her. And that she means something to him.


After he has left, you try to settle and concentrate on what you are doing. Why is it that no matter who the director is you always end up doing the paperwork? You're a nurse, not a secretary. For a moment you stop and look around; you miss him already and you wonder where they are taking him and how safe he will be.

How many missions have they sent him on now? 15, 20? You lost count after Krupin took over. The time in cryo freeze makes it impossible to know when in the world you are, and you gave up trying to keep track of the years...well, literally years ago.

A commotion in the corridor attracts your attention but before you can get up to see what is happening your door flies open. You jump up but you don't recognise the man and the two soldiers following him. They have on uniforms that you have never seen before. One of the Hydra complex guards follows behind; he has tried to prevent the men from entering.

The older man is smiling at you but it is a cold smile. He shows you an open wallet he has in his hand.

"Vojenské zpravodajství, " he says and you blink. You haven't a clue what he has just said and he realises.

"Military Intelligence," he says closing his wallet.

You stand up to move but then his two soldiers come around and get both sides of you and start to walk you to the door.

"I don't understand," you stutter and at first you don't but then a sick feeling comes into your stomach.

Has he told them? Was the question the Winter Soldier asked you a test for Hydra, not himself?

You know Hydra has infiltrated the KGB. You do not know where this base is situated, what country. It does not take much of a leap to guess that they will have corrupted more intelligence services around the world. You are not sure exactly which one this is but all the personnel seem to be the same the world over. Cold and frightening.

You feel a frisson of fear. Would he really do that to you?

The Hydra guard paled when he saw the badge and heard what the man said. He stands to one side and you look at him for help. He looks away.

You know Caldwell isn't on the base."Please get Marinov!" you say to him but he doesn't look up.

"Where are you taking me? What have I done?" you ask the men but no-one says a word.

You try to get free but their grips are like iron and they march you out to a waiting car. You see very few people on the way, and those you do see stand out of the way - watching. They do not know what is happening but they know who you are. They also seem to recognise the insignia of the men who are with you. They have seen the insignia flag on the bonnet and on the badges on the uniforms of the two soldiers.

Authors Note: For image see

You are shoved into the back of the car, and the man gets inside next to you. A soldier climbs in the other side and the remaining one gets in the front and drives you away. When you are out of the gate the soldier next to you turns and grasps your arms. The man slips a blind over your eyes and tells you not to move.

You are a nurse, not a soldier, you do not fight. Growing up in Russia you were taught to do everything you are told...especially if it is by the KGB. It is ingrained. This may not be the KGB, but they act just like it.

Captain America Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier Steve Rogers Fan Fic - The ConstantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora