1.Buggy bugs

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"Bloody hell..." The three best friends stood in the middle of the forbidden forest when Ron suddenly squeaked, looking in the opposite direction from the two. "H-Harry... I don't know what you think you've heard calling you from here, but I bloody hope it's not this..." He almost cried while hitting Harry's arm, urging for them to turn around.

Earlier that day, Harry had a vision and kept going on about Horcruxes and how someone was calling him from the forbidden forest, trying to help him... but let's be real, that's very unlikely. It seemed utterly ridiculous to Hermione since the boy was connected to the Dark Lord himself, but she decided to trust her friend and follow him anyway.

"Oh... Well, no... I don't think this is it." Harry choked out, his lip twitching weirdly as he spoke.

The frizzy-haired girl, on the other hand, was already reaching for her wand with trembling hands. "As much as I'd love to stay here and stare at this beautiful scenery, don't you think we should, perhaps go? Just a suggestion though."

"I'll consider it." Harry mumbled quietly with a gulp before they dramatically turned around, practically flying towards the other side of the forest.

To her friends utter shock, Hermione blurted out a couple of curse words in German when she saw a huge spider trailing unpleasantly close behind them, causing the two to panic even more. "Hermione, stop yelling in French! You're pronouncing it wrong!" Ron was certainly crying at that point.

"It's German, you barmpot!" The girl yelled back with the most unnatural grimace. "Merde! Harry, are you sure you're not doing this on purpose? Maybe You-Know-Who's taking over you! Bloody hell, that would explain everything!"

While they kept bickering, the number of big and ugly-looking insects only seemed to increase. Hermione cast a few spells here and there but it didn't really seem to help much. She was so focused on avoiding the trees which were blocking the path and her maximum-speed-super-Saiyan sprinting that she didn't even notice Ron's awfully girlish loud screams trailing away.

When she looked to her left, her eyes widened. The bug was catching up to her, long legs trying to grab the girl whose face was pretty much identical to Ron's. "Oh Lord, get away, you satanic-looking cockroach!" quickly casting a spell on the bug and slowing it down, only to find herself slowing down as well.

Hermione's legs were giving up. She gasped for air, not knowing what to do other than to hiss out random nonsense, even sounding more like Ron. "I didn't sign up for this, why am I being chased by these atrocious beasts? Whose idea was this?!"

"Harry, this is the last time... I'm following y -" Being cut off by her own scream in the middle of the sentence was a brilliant feeling, actually. A spider was in front of her, showing off his fangs and his mates surely didn't take a lot of time to join the party.

She was basically circled by bugs and not even her wand would be of any help because there were so many... Circle... Circling...In a circle...I'm going to die because of these bugs that are circl...- Her eyebrows knitted together when she suddenly remembered the time turner around her neck. Phew, almost forgot about that!

Hermione quickly blasted one of the bugs away with the Arania Exumai spell. Running towards the clear spot while shouting like a complete lunatic seemed like a good idea. Her hand grasping under the jacket for the time turner and instantly turning the hourglass way too many times.

Not even sure if it was counting minutes, hours or years, she couldn't remember what Professor McGonagall told her because she was so petrified. Ron and Harry were God-knows-where and she was running around while spinning the thingy around with her finger and yelling like a Godzilla.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Sep 14, 2017 ⏰

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