"Umm...where's Niall?" I whispered in Zayn's ear.

He turned around and I put my bum on my seat.

"Why do you even care about Niall?" He asked me and I was taken aback by his question.

"You don't even care about him so why even bother?" He said.

"No I do care about Niall. He's my friend. Okay? Just because you don't give a crap about anything or life, why do you hate everything? What has life done to you to make you hate it so bad? What are you hiding?" I whispered.

He frowned at me and turned back around so he would face the front of the classroom. He tossed everything in his book bag and got up.

"Zayn please take a seat" Mrs. Green said.

He ignored her and just walked out of the classroom. I felt bad. He ignored Mrs. Green's pleas for him to take his seat but he didn't listen. Why did I say all of that? That's so stupid of me. I'm such a hypocrite. I wondered how Louis could be so straight forward to me yet I just did the same to Zayn. I bit my lip and was distracted when Mrs. Green was explaining the notes on the board. I took my notebook and began writing.

Should I go find Zayn and apologize?

I raised my hand up and she called on me.

"Can I please go to the bathroom?" I asked.

"5 minutes" She said.

"Thank you" I said.

I got up from my seat and walked out the door.

I looked to my left and right in search for Zayn. Did he just leave the campus? I turned the hall until I heard a voice talking in the hall way. I quickly hid behind the wall and tried to listen.

"Look, why are you even bothering with her?" It was Zayn.

It was surely Zayn, his voice and accent is unforgettable.

"I don't care he's going to get mad at you. Stop hanging out with her" He said.

Was Zayn talking about me? Was that Niall on the phone? Zayn can't just tell Niall to stop hanging out with me. And who's going to get mad at Niall?

There were so many unanswered questions.

I silenced my thoughts and tried to listen more of the conversation. When I didn't hear anything I peaked from behind the wall but I was suddenly pushed back.

"What did you hear?" I was against the wall.

Zayn had caught me eavesdropping. I nervously bit my lip and was without words.

"What did you hear?!" He raised his voice and slammed his hand on the wall next to my head.

"Nothing" I mumbled.

Zayn looked beyond mad. His breathing was uneven and he was frowning so hard wrinkles formed on his forehead.

"Nothing?" He confirmed what I just said.

"Oh please, you aren't the saint everyone thinks you are. What did you hear?" He spat.

"I I-I'm telling the truth" I said.

He backed away from me and pointed a finger at me.

"Listen Madison listen real good because you don't want to be involved with me or Niall so it's better if you just backed off" He said before turning his back to me and walking away.

That was scary. Why would he overreact, I was just eavesdropping...okay so it's still bad but whatever I was listening to something that was definitely not open for my ears.

My 5 minutes are most definitely up she's going to kill me. I ran back to class and the rest of the hour was a blur. My mind was clouded with thoughts.

This only makes me more interested in Zayn. You learn something new every day right? And now I knew for sure Zayn is hiding something.


At lunch I decided to give Niall a call. Three rings and it went to voicemail, he obviously ignored my call. Did I do something? I need to calm down a bit, I might come off as clingy.

I looked around the lunchroom to maybe find Zayn, but no use.

Someone grabbed my wrist and I gasped.

I turned around and I was face to face with Chelsea. She frowned at me and scoffed.

"Have you seen Mitchell?" She asked.

She talked to me as if nothing happened the day after the party.

"No, why don't you offer to sleep with him again, I'm sure he'll then turn up" I said to her.

"Watch your mouth James, he's the one who asked me" She used my last name.

I walked away and my wrist was pulled again. I'm getting tired of this girl bothering me. I raised my hand to give a light slap on the cheek but my hand was caught in mid air.

It wasn't Chelsea this time, the hand belonged to a guy. Louis' to be exact. My eyes widened and he looked at me with confusion.

He pulled me out of the cafeteria where things were quiet and calm.

"How the hell did you meet El? Now answer" He demanded.

He let go of me and I shoved my hands in my pocket. I don't know where to start.

"Well Niall introduced me" I began.

"You know Niall too?!" He seemed shocked.

He threw his hands up in the air dramatically.

"Yeah and Zayn" I added.

"I know" He quickly recomposed himself.

Why was he so surprised that I met Eleanor and Niall but not Zayn? Zayn must have talked about me.

"How'd you know I know Zayn?" I questioned.

"He tells me everything" He smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it" He replied.

"But how did Niall introduce you two?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it" I used his own words against him.

He only merely chuckled.

"Smart mouth, no wonder he fancies you" He laughed.

He fancies me? Who fancies me?

"I like you too but if you try to lay a hand on me again and you're dead" I couldn't tell if he was serious or if he was just joking.

"I th-thought you were someone else" I stuttered a bit.

"You better have because if you lay one of your pretty hands on me you'll regret it" He looked down at me.

I didn't like how he was flirting.

"El is your girlfriend" I stated the obvious.

"One, I wasn't flirting with you. Two, I only call her El and three, no offense but you're nothing compared to El...well to me at least" He said.

"I'm glad you think of her that way. You shouldn't let anyone change your opinion about anything for anyone, even if someone else thinks different from you" I said.

I was referring to when Eleanor told me Zayn was putting idiotic ideas to Louis' head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He scrunched his nose.

"Just keep what I said in mind" I told him.

"You don't know me so it's better if you just kept your thoughts to yourself" He said coldly.

I simply shrugged.

293 days until I turn 18

I'm sorry I'm not updating as often as before but school is first for me but I'm trying. Next chapter will be up soon. I really like reading feed back so will you please comment and please vote. Thanks -Anna x

(There is a pic of Louis on the side)

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