The Choice-Chapter Eight

Start from the beginning

We danced around each other for a while. Both getting in a few hits here and there. I felt myself getting tired, but I was not about to let him see it. Finally, he stepped forward to bring his fist at me, and left himself open. I took advantage of his mistake, to hit him with my right, left, and right again, before lifting my leg in a high kick that caught him in the stomach.

He fell back a few feet, and landed on his ass. "I taught you that." He snapped, when he caught his breath.

I laughed, "Than you should have expected it, huh, jackass."

"Really? Kind of childish." He jumped to his feet again.

"Oh, the indestructible Mark Patterson." I said, taking advantage of his open stance to swipe my foot at his leg. He landed on his ass, but managed to jump back to his feet quickly. "You never did like surprises." I laughed again inwardly. Oh, the surprises this man is in for. I can't wait. Just to see the look on his face when Chessy tells him her happy news, would be priceless.

He's getting pissed now. I can see it in his eyes. He has always taught me to never allow my anger to control me when I'm in a fight. His goal when he was teaching me was to make sure that no man could get the advantage over me. I'm not a big woman, I'm average height, and weight, but most men look at me as inferior.

He moved to swing at me with his right, a bit harder than usual. I didn't get out of the way fast enough, and he got my left cheek. I felt the swelling already starting, but  I wasn't done with him yet. I replied with a left and right to his open midsection, and used the back of my foot to hook around his leg. He went down hard. I followed and got him in a choke hold. Not easy with him. But he's letting his anger get the better of him.

After a moment, I heard my father's voice yelling at me to let him go. I glanced over to see Dad, Jacob, and Tony standing ringside.

"Boy, you better get out of that ring now, before she kills you." Dad called.

Amidst the chucks rising from the others in the room, I released my hold on my brother.

"You let me win?" I asked.

Mark laid on his back in the middle of the ring, and shook his head.

"Than what the hell is the matter with you?" I asked, "You never let shit get to you."

He shook his head, "I don't know."

"Perhaps she's about five feet six, blonde and blue eyed?" I asked.

His eyes popped open, and he glared up at me. "Fuck no."

I laughed, "Admit it big brother, your caught."

He sat up.

"Chessy's a good person," I said, "And you're normally a good man. I think you both deserve some happiness."

He sat silently watching Dad, Jacob and Tony converse ringside.

"I've known Chessy most of my life." I said, pushing to my feet. "And I can honestly say that I've never seen the sparkle in her eye that she gets when she talks about you."

His gaze shot to mine.

"But this morning, there was a hell of a lot of hurt."

"It's not my fucking fault. She decided to end it, not me." 

"What did you expect her to do? You basically told her that she's too young for you, and you'll never be serious. You haven't even told anyone. She doesn't want to be a secret. Have you told her how you feel?" 

He shrugged. "No."

"You are an idiot, you know that?"

"Yup." He pushed to his feet, and climbed under the ropes.

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