Chapter 3

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The first two or three hours have been quite uneventful: I've just finished tidying up the hut, which used to look hideous before I came in, and now I'm sitting on my bed, reading a book. As of now, still no sign of my possible new cabinmates.

Suddenly, though, I hear some laughter coming from outside. Then, I hear some steps making noise on the broken wooden stairs. Lastly, I hear the door knocking multiple times.

I quit reading, put the book on a shelf and then go to open the door. As soon as it's wide open, I find three girls standing at the threshold, still laughing; however, they stop as soon as they notice me.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know we already have a new roommate," says the first girl, who has long straight brown hair with central bangs and striking blue eyes. She's also the first one to stop laughing.

"So, I guess I'm going to share the cabin with you," I reply. "By the way, my name is Lainie Murata. I'm new here."

"Oh, if so, then welcome to Buttercup Barracks. I'm Ariel Briggs." After introducing herself, she points at the other two girls. "These are Brynlei Vasquez and Reiko Minato. They're my friends."

"Hello, Lainie," says the girl named Reiko. "Nice to meet you." The way she immediately turned serious after laughing a little bit kind of scared me, but, after all, her looks aren't a threat at all, even though the small almond brown eyes could make me think otherwise. For being pretty minute, she seems to hold a lot of personality inside.

On the other hand, Brynlei seems to be much softer, and is also taller than the other two girls. Her hair is of a faded light brown that could pass as fair, however it looks a mess. Her eyes are not as striking as Ariel's or as cold as Reiko's; better say, they're the most forgettable part of her, with that color I can't describe properly: something inbetween blue and green, with shades of grey; however, this description is not exact.

As of Ariel, what to say? Well, she looks as tall as me, but she's is a bit thinner, whereas I have a different building, that tends to be closer to average, or, better say, muscular. Well, someone told me I could be borderline to fat, but, when you've been forced to attend the local gym for years, you can't be said you're fat. That would be a lie.

Anyway, they immediately start making a mess out of what I tidied up with a lot of hard work and wasting much of my time, just to arrange their stuff. I can't believe these girls are such untidy.

"Ahem... please, girls, I've just tidied up. Could you avoid leaving a mess?" I try to tell them, though neither is paying attention, which bothers me. So, I just go back to my book, hoping they will understand they have to tidy up for our sake.

However, it doesn't seem as I have much time, because, suddenly, Ariel mutters, "It's dinner time. We should get ready." She walks towards the exit of the cabin, followed by Reiko and Brynlei. I, on the other hand, stay behind to clean up a bit. Suddenly, Reiko notices that and stops me.

"Hey, what are you doing? We're supposed to have dinner now," she says, but I protest, "I'm tidying up your mess! We can't leave the cabin in those conditions."

"Oh, come on, who cares? Let's go to the canteen instead, I'm starving," she insists, which convinces me to follow her and the others. Cleaning can wait for now.


As soon as we find a table for four, we take seats but our moment of peace lasts very little due to some girls approaching us and telling us very bluntly to move. I have no problems to do what they asked - in a not very kind manner - but the same can't be said at all by the others.

In fact, Ariel points out, "Look, we're not here to argue. We came here first, so, if you want, just look for another table."

"In other words," remarks Brynlei more directly, "go away."

"Who do you think you are to tell me what I have to do?" yells one of the three girls. "You're not my mother, so back off and leave!" Wow, she's as blunt as fuck. Why can't she just stop acting like a bimbo and leave us in peace?

"I told you to leave!" This time, Brynlei is raising her voice, yet to no avail. In fact, one of the diva's sidekicks is glaring at her and mocks, "Oh, look at poor Brynlei. She thinks she can do whatever she wants. Haha. What a bunch of jerks!"

The other girl is laughing. God, I really want to break their bones, as much as Reiko, who's clenching her fists. She blurts out, "You'd better look at yourselves, you whores. Ha! Reese Graceland and Tallia Blithe! Nothing but a bunch of midges who can't do anything without the queen bee."

The two girls seem to be offended by Reiko's statement, to the point that they start whispering a whole load of shit on their so-called friend's ear, which causes the latter to hiss, "You'll pay for that, Minato," only to be ignored. Then, she, followed by her midges, just leaves. I can't believe I have to find room for them in my life. I'd rather die than meet her again.

Meanwhile, I hear Ariel protesting, "Damn! She'll never change! I wonder whether Reese and Tallia will stop following her once for all or not."

Reiko replies with a snort, whereas Brynlei chooses to voice her feelings, as well. "Meryl Collins will never change. If the day she'll become better ever comes, then I'll bow before her." It looks like something that will never happen, though. That girl just proved to be insensitive and mean.

By the time we finally start eating, our dinner has got cold. "Is there a microwave?" I ask, not wanting to have a cold but sloppy risotto. When asked, Ariel shakes her head.

I look around, to find none, which means I have to eat cold risotto. To make matters worse, it's so disgusting, as well, to the point that I'm barely retaining myself from throwing up.

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