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The ride was a long one. Bumpy and silent.
It must've been an hour from Alexandria when the truck pulled onto a driveway type road and entered a heavy-duty gate which led only the compound notoriously known as The Sanctuary.
Millie looked down at her hands. They were noticeably shaking and clammy. She wiped her hands on her skinny jeans and took the blade out of her boot. The truck came to a stop after heading through another chain link fence.
She heard men walking around and could see that they were unloading trucks. It seemed like an eternity later until a man entered Millie's truck. He lifted up a box and she shifted, getting ready to stand. Apparently, she made to much noise and the man placed the box down.
He walked towards her, she was crouching in the corner to the truck, surrounded by boxes.
"What the hell?" The man said quietly.
Millie quickly came out of the corner and wrapped her hands around the mans throats before he had a chance to react. The mans struggled but Millie was strong. She jabbed the blade into the back of his neck killing him immediately.
Running on adrenaline, she put the knife back in her boot and pulled both hand guns from her belt. Going to the opening of the truck, she started shooting. She managed to hit one man in the shoulder, got a headshot to a women holding a box, and got another man in the leg.
"Where is Negan?" Millie demanded. She felt dizzy from adrenaline and her ears were ringing with the sound of gunshots. She had started this and now she had to end it.
She heard a whistle. Negan.
He strolled confidently in front of Millie, unphased by the fact that she had potentially killed four of his people.
"Hm, you really are a mystery." He smirked. "You asked for me? Here I am."
Millie's hand were violently shaking as she pulled the trigger of her gun with closed eyes. Before she had the chance to open them, her felt a body slam her from the side and throw her to the ground. The wind was knocked out of her. Had she killed him? Did she hit Negan?
"Ho-ly shit, girl."
Nope. He was still alive.
Finally, her eyes opened. A man with a half burned face was holding a gun to her head while Negan stood over her. She still felt dizzy - even nauseous - from adrenaline.
"Dwight, take that gun off of her and help unpack these trucks. Simon, get some medics in here and patch up the folks who are still living," Negan ordered. "You're coming with me." He pointed at Millie.
Dwight yanked Millie of the ground viciously and shoved her towards Negan, who gripped her arm harshly.
Negan walked quickly, with purpose, and Millie was left trying to keep up with him as he continued to grip her harm so hard that she bit her lip from the pain.
He pushed open a heavy metal door and pushed her inside, the door slamming behind him. Millie tried to catch her breath for the first time since she first killed the man in the truck.
"Well fuck me, miss. You just kicked up a shit-storm and killed a fuck ton of my people. What do you have to say about that?" Negan said angrily.
Seeing Negan angry frightened Millie, and she was not easily frightened. The adrenaline finally wore off and Millie felt tears well up in her eyes. She blinked and a tear made its way down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and averted her eyes to the ground.
"Shit, girl. Are you crying?" Negan questioned, walking closer to her. "You just walked in here and shot up a bunch of my men like a goddamn badass and you come in here and cry in front of me? You've got a fucked up mind, I'll tell you that. And trust me, honey, I know that better than anyone." He ranted.
More tears made their way down her face faster than she could flick them away. Millie was having a panic attack. She knew it right away, as she's experienced them before. Her breathing became unsteady and the feeling of dizziness overcame her again. Negan took notice.
"Fuck, sweetheart. Sit down, you're okay." His voice softened. Negan felt sympathy for this young girl, despite her murderous rampage just minutes before. Millie slid down the cement wall behind her and tried to slow her breathing. Negan took a seat on the ground next to her, watching her carefully, not quite touching her.
"Listen, girl. Just tell me your name. I know your Ricks daughter, but who are you?" He asked, trying to distract and calm her.
"M-Millie Grimes. I'm Millie." She swallowed loudly.
"Millie... that stand for something?"
She looked up at him, regaining her confidence. "None of your goddamn business."
Negan was taken aback from her sudden shift in emotions. This girl had something about her... something strange.
"Well, Millie. I think we're going to get along just fine."
Negan recognized something in Millie that he too had in himself when he was her age. Potential. This girl was not in a right state of mind, and Negan could use an apprentice. He saw that he could shape Millie here into something great. Something deadly. She just needed some guidance.

Psychopaths Apprentice (Negan TWD)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя