He sat down on his bed and looked at the gleaming, golden crown on top of his dresser.


The two words engraved on the crown hit him hard. Those two words had, at one point in time, meant a lot to him. He had always liked the word 'solace'.

Comfort of consolation in a time of great distress and sadness

And it was this golden crown that had helped him get over everything. Who cared if it wasn't made out of real gold?

Brice continued looking at the crown and realised that he should probably get to polishing it again. One of his many daily routines.

He walked downstairs and was about to get the cloth when he heard the doorbell ring.

He hadn't had a visitor in such a long time that the sound of the doorbell actually made him let out a loud yelp. Raising an eyebrow, he walked to the door and opened it slowly. When the door was halfway open, a pale hand pushed the door open, hard, causing it to whack Brice straight in the face.

"Oh my days, (Regit eh)I'm so glad that you opened the door. I thought this forest was haunted and I don't know why I decided to enter the forest, it was really really really creepy and I was kind of creeped out, how in the world do you even live in a place like this? I thought I heard wolves so I was terrified out of my mind and I would really appreciate it if you let me in for just a day because this house looks really really good, compared to that old wooden shack somewhere back in the forest with spiderwebs everywhere, and I told myself since the flowers are alive maybe someone does live here! So I came here and please, please just let me stay." The teenager took in a deep breath. "So yes or no?"

Brice didn't reply, as he was one, too shocked by the fact that there was the presence of another human being, two, not used to being spoken too by someone else, and three, he was too flattened by the door to speak.

"Dear me, I'm so sorry!" The-weird-teenager-who-had-just-barged-into-Brice's-house's eyes widened, and pulled the door as hard as he could, causing the door to slam in his face instead.

Brice dragged himself off the floor before staring at the teenager, who was lying on the grass outside, long and hard.

The guy was really pale, that was for sure. He was slightly skinny, but that wasn't what really caught Brice's attention. What was worth noticing was his eyes. They were dark purple, but they weren't that dark; they were also light purple, but they weren't that light. Those magenta-sort-of eyes of his seemed mystifying and mysterious, as if there was some hidden story behind them.

Brice then realised that the purple-eyed boy had gone extremely silent.

Now what? Brice thought. The purple-eyed boy seemed to have undergone a personality change. From being desperate, loud and chatty, he just became.. unnervingly silent.

"Okay." Brice found himself saying. There was a feeling in his mind that told him to do it, so he did. He didn't fear of anything going wrong - if the guy was sent to hunt him down and kill him, he always had a stash of guns in the garage. And a battle axe under his bed. And quite a few knives located in the kitchen. Brice would always have protection from any outsiders. Besides, the purple-eyed boy was only staying for a night - nothing could go wrong.

Brice was getting quite tired of calling him purple-eyed boy in his mind.

"So, uh, what's your.. name?" Brice squeaked. He didn't really like talking, probably because he wasn't crazy and didn't talk to himself aloud. As he looked into the boy's purple eyes, that for some reason seemed to be glowing, he began scolding himself mentally for asking a question that might be considered 'lame'.

contrast - a SetoSolace short storyΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα