04 | The Gorge Sightings

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"I'll kill you."

With that statement, Raven pivoted and continued on her path into the Shuddering Woods. As Raven walked deeper into the woods, she was pleasantly greeted with nature's silence. The trees were still with their branches moving stiffly against the summer breeze. The leaves rustled with the wind, singing a whisper of the long forgotten dryad songs of old. Dead leaves made no noise under her footfalls, almost as if Raven was nothing more than a ghost walking in a cemetery. That is what the Shuddering Woods has become.

Once a safe distance away from the clearing, she lowered her hood, letting the brilliance of day fall upon her pale skin. It warmed her face nicely, giving Raven a sense of something tangible. She needed a sense of something real, for everything felt like a dream. The centaurs were more wild and earthbound than before, and the once noble Narnians became scavengers in the woods. Some part of her wished that this was a dream, that she was still stuck in the black marble. Her imprisonment in stone felt more real than the reality of this situation.

As Raven wandered long through the hours of the afternoon, her thoughts drifted from the present and into the past. She reminisced over the wintery days she'd spend running in these woods like it was her playground. She remembered the few dryads that would sing songs to her and the woodland creatures that would greet her. She remembered all the recruiting she did in Aslan's name, and all adventures that came with it. Everyday was a new journey she would embark on, whether it would be to fly towards the Great River or something small like helping Anatre make more armor for the soldiers. Those were the glory days, she hummed sadly to herself.

"Indeed they were."

Within a second, Raven managed to raise her hood and draw her sword, aiming the sharpened tip at the source of the voice. To her surprise, she was greeted with the unwavering gaze of Aslan himself. The Lion stood still before her, his eyes showing no sign of fear. He didn't need to fear the Dark Angel, for she lowered her blade just as quickly as she raised it. Raven didn't bother lowering her hood, seeing as nothing is ever hidden from the Great Cat. Instead she let out a huff and sheathed her sword, unamused by his sudden appearance.

"What a surprise to see you again, Aslan," Raven spoke, sarcasm seeping in her tone. His golden eyes glimmered humorously, clearly finding amusement in Raven's attempt to be nonchalant. In truth, Raven was seething in his proximity, a stir of whispers in her mind urging her to lose control and simply strike at him. Yet there was a terror inside of her that kept her ravage impulses restrained, and forced her into submission in his sight. She never completely understood the extent of Aslan's powers, but she was almost sure that it was him keeping her somewhat sane. Yet he still failed to catch her witty tongue which uttered words sharper than her blade.

Raven rolled on the ball of her feet, pivoting her around to lead her deeper into the forest. "The last time we talked was over a millenia ago, remember?" She mused, her feet falling into pace with Aslan's. "You told me I had to forget who I was and go into hiding. Ah, yes, what a wonderful plan that was," Raven sneered, her jaw locking as she kept her gaze forward. She could feel his honey colored eyes burning on her skin like hot embers, but she forced herself to remain stoic in his presence. Aslan took notice of her unraveling anger, seeping off her like a sweltering blaze. "It seems like you are upset, dear one."

She scoffed outwardly. Upset? More like fuming. "I understand your anger towards me, Raven, but you fail to see that you have brought this onto yourself," Aslan continued, his voice growing more stern with every word. The Dark Angel whipped around to glare at him, her cold eyes challenging the flames of Aslan. "You need not remind me. I know of the consequence of my sins all too well, but I have yet to understand when is it going to end. Am I to suffer two more millenias with sinister thoughts twisting my morals?"

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