I don't bother responding. If she sees me coming she runs in the opposite direction. Until six months ago I hadn't known what caused her reaction, then Peter let it slip that Charlotte was almost raped by a former boyfriend. A guy she met at med school. Peter explained that she has avoided all men since that night. It makes sense, except for the fact that I'm not her ex-boyfriend. Nor do I have any interest in hurting her.

"We're having lunch together. Why don't you come?"

"Making her uncomfortable isn't exactly fun for me." I grumble.

"Like I said, she needs to see you're not Byron. You don't help your cause by staring at her all the time. Maybe if you looked at her a little less,....heated. She wouldn't be so uncomfortable." He points out.

"Heated?" I ask, amused.

"Yes, heated." He replies, disgusted.

"I don't look at her like that." I say, dismissing his allegation.

"You do." He aruges. "Its nauseating."

I grit my teeth. I don't like knowing I show my feelings for her to anyone.

I nod. "I want her."

"I know that! Tell her." He yells, exasperated. "I'm not getting any younger. I could die any day and I want to see her settled."

I scoff. The man has the best nurse taking care of him. Charlotte makes sure he doesn't miss his med's and even plans his meals.

"I'm serious. I expect you to take care of her when I can't." He states, pointing at me for emphasis. Peter is the only person I would ever let speak to me this way.

I look at him seriously. "I know what I'm doing." I lie. "I want her, but it doesn't change the facts. Unless you plan on dragging her down the aisle yourself, it's a waiting game."

"You're not trying hard enough." He accuses.

"What do you suggest? Handcuffing her to me?" I ask, feeling my frustration over the situation rise.

"If you wanted her bad enough you would." He retorts.

    I groan. I can't help but get a little angry when she refuses to talk to me, I'm sure she notices it. For that, I'll give her as much time as she needs to get used to being around me. I've been to dinners and events knowing she'd be there and I always get the cold shoulder. Even with the cold reception I still stand next to her at parties, making sure no men approach her. Hell, I even make Ben, our security detail here at the office call or text me when she enters the building. It's been over a year and still my presence spooks her. There was a time I liked being an intimidating man, it does have its advantages. Now, it's a burden. My phone buzzes with a text message telling me Charlotte has checked in at reception.

"I'll come to lunch." I agree. Even if I'll be ignored the whole time.

"Good. She'll be here shortly. We're going to Sullivan's." He adds, distastefully. Charlotte likes to eat there because of the healthy menu options. Two years ago Peter suffered from a massive heart attack, she's been looking after him ever since. That means she dictates what he eats and how much he exercises.  She recently moved in with him, saying he doesn't take his health seriously enough. However, it doesn't stop him from sneaking a glass of scotch here and there. Right now we're both sipping the delicious beverage.

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