"Let's reach out to relatives and close family members to see where he might be hiding out at," Moriyama said. 

Kozuwa stood in the back as he crossed his arms in disgust. 

That fucking freak.

"Kozuwa, I want you to come with me to interview the family members," Moriyama said. 

"Sir, there's a problem," Hurt said as he typed away on his keyboard. 

"Says hear that Kaburo's mother died during child birth. And he was place in the custody of his father name Sujo Tomiko. Sujo Tomiko however was arrested for child pornography and soliciting," Kurt turn to look at Miroyama. 

"And when was he arrested?" Fujiko asked with crossed arms. 

"Two months ago,"  Kurt said. 

"Just before Hayato Shinomiya went missing," Miroyama said. 

"It's possible that Sujo Tomiko could be linked to those missing boys from the 80's," Fujiko said. 

"Are you suggesting his linked to the other cold cases?" Kurt asked. 

"It wouldn't surprise me." Fujiko said with rises eyebrows. 

"Where is Kaboru Satsuma's address now?" Moriyama asked. 

"Let me check," Hurt said as he typed away on his screen,"Here," The blue dot flickered on the map on the computer's screen. 

"Okay I want all units out there on the premises and I'll get a Search Warrent," Miroyama said. 

"You got it." The team agreed.  

35 mins later the team pulled up into Satsuma's home property. His house was more trailer which was placed in an empty lot. Not yard, just rocks and gravel. The team approach with caution with bullet proof vests as the creep around the property with guns in hands. They searched the house after they kicked down the door, but it was completely vacant. After hours of searching  the premises from top to bottom with a single swat team, but still found nothing. 

"Did you find anything?" Moriyama asked. 

"Nothing." Shinko said looking down. 

"It's already after six and we've searched top to bottom," Kurt said. 

Moriyama sighed,"Okay, we'll call it for tonight. I'll call CSI (Crime Scene Investigators) to run any test, and I'll scan the area with K-9 unit just for a precaution,"  Moriyama said. 

"Got it," The team said. 

Moriyama walked to the van with elite technol scans and computers. 

"You heading out?" Moriyama asks Kozuwa as he approached the truck. 

"Nah, Imma stay." Kozuwa said as he reviews the surveillance footage of the security camera of the trailer lot. 

"need any help?" Moriyama asks. 

"Nah, I'm good," Kozuwa said clicking the mouse of the computer which large headphones on his head. 

"Well if you find anything, contact me immediatly," Moriyama said. 

"we'll do," Kuzowa said,"Plus I'll be here with CSi and K9 so if they find out anything else I'll contact you."

"Sounds good," Moriyama said. 

Hours pass and the teams didn't find anything. Not a trail or piece of fabric or anything. 

"You would think the guy moved away months ago," One of the CSI agents said to another K9 unit team. 

"Months ago?" Kozuwa wondered as he re-winded the tapes weeks into moths ago.

"Gotcha ya piece of shit," Kozuwa smirked. 


"911 what is your emergency?

"Yeah, some kid walked into my store...Said him and his friend is being held captive...can you send someone down here? The kid's got blood on him..."

Riku sat in a booth of the CDL convince store down the road from Satsuma's bunker. He had been sitting in the booth for 30 minutes as a heavy set man was on the phone with the police. 

Riku was tried. After running for what it felt like hours, his strength had drain from himself. Exhaustion set in as he place his head on the table. 

What day is it? Had we eaten today? Did we drink anything?  

"Okay, thanks," The man said as he hung up the phone,"The cops will be here shortly." He said as he took a set across from Riku. 

"You okay kid?" He asked the tried Riku.  

The man looked at Riku with concern. Riku wasn't aware of his features long ago and he had forgotten about his arm. Which was now soaked with blood. 

"Wait here I might have a first aid kit," The man said as he went to the back room to get it. 

Riku sat at the booth as he stare out into his reflection of the window. 

His face was pale and he had bags under his eyes. His hair was dry and messy with tackles and he looked like he aged. 

"I look awful," He mumbled as the man came back with the first aid kit. 

"Here let me patch you up at least," The man said as he gently cut the blood sleeve from his arm as he cleaned the wound and wrapped it up with bandages. 

"You tough kid," The man said. 

Riku slowly turned his eyes to him,"huh?"

"You looked like you lost a lot of blood," The man said. 

"Oh...that explains it...that's why I'm tried,"  Riku said. 

"It's okay kid, just don't fall alseep, okay?" The man said. 

"okay," RIku said he looked up to the man as he blinked tiredly,"What's your name?"

"Oh, you can call me Garry," Garry said with a smile. 

"Okay, thanks Garry." Riku said. 

"The CMTs and the cops should be here soon," Garry ensured. 

"nope, not today," Riku mumbled to himself as his head kept fallen, he fought to stay awake.  

"He kid, what are you tryna say?" Garry asked as he gently place a hand on his shoulder. 

"...I'm not gonna die today...not today," He mumbled as his eyes drifted in and out of focus. 

"Hey kid, it'll be okay," Garry said. 

In the distance the sounds of siren approached and for the first time ever, these sounds never sounded so wonderful just as Riku fell over and fainted in the booth. 


A/N: Until next time! Meow out!~

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