"Wait...chose?" Riku asked.

"We all confessed to her and she hasn't made up her mind yet," Shinomiya said. 

"Oh I see," Riku smiled as he slightly chuckled at himself. 

"Are you laughing?" Shinomiya questioned. 

"It's just kinda cute...," Riku said. 

"CUTE!?" Shinomiya questioned.

"I didn't think you'll be the one chasing after a girl. Rather then you're the one being chased after," Riku slightly chuckled with himself.

"Wait..Why do you think that?" Shinomiya asked as he turned off the shower.

He took a towel as he dyed off in the shower. 

"Well for starters you just have that personality type," Riku said, "That Tsundere boy-type," 

Shinomiya tsked,"Whatever!..And you? Don't you have someone you like?" He asked. 

"Well....to be honest," Riku paused,"I'm...slightly confused," he began. 

"I thought I had always liked girls. But in middle school...," He paused. 

"I fell for a boy," He confessed.

Shinomiya stood in the shower with the towel around his waist as he listened.

"I was embarrassed of my feelings and decided to avoid dating all together," Riku confessed.

"So...you're not sure if you like boys or girls?" Shinomiya asked.

"sounds silly, but it's true." Riku said. 

For a moment Shinomiya was embarrassed that he had asked Riku to help him with his problem a while back but then he gathered his thoughts as he said, "...you're brave," Shinomiya,"Thank you for telling me."

"No problem," Riku said feeling slightly guilty that he told him. Shit he's gonna avoid me now.

Shinomiya stepped out of the shower and walked up to the clothes rack.

Riku stood with his arms crossed as he heard Shinomiya behind him as he heard the sounds of his friend dressing.

Shinomiya had found a pair of cotton underwear, a pair of old ripped black jeans with some bleach stains splattered on them and faded old Nirvana t-shirt.  

"Okay, I'm finished," Shinomiya said with a slight beam. 

Riku turned,"Hey we look like Hipsters now," He joked. 

"Yeah,  all we need are beanies and glasses," He smiled slightly. 

Shinomiya felt slightly different now after Riku told him his secret. First of all of what happen to him last night. It was apparent that Shinomiya being raped wasn't something appealing to either of them. However, after Shinomiya had his problem...Did Riku like it?

"Riku?" Shinomiya asked, Riku turned as he raised a brow. 

"I have two questions for you. And it would be helpful if you could answered them for me," Shinomiya said.

"Okay," Riku said, unprepared.

"First...Should I be addressing you by your first name or your last name?" Shinomiya asked in wonder.

"Oh," Riku chuckled,"Well...it's kinda late to be addressing me by my last name now, is it? Riku is just fine," He said almost flattered. 

"Oh okay. And Secondly," Shinomiya's face turned red as he asked such an embarrassing thing,"What...you did...to help me...," He paused,"Have...you done that to...anyone..?" 

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