Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Friends again? It read and Scorpius nodded.

"Best friends till the end Albus, best friends until the end." He assured. Scorpius bent down and hugged his best friend tightly. He kissed his head gently and Albus blushed. Now wasn't the time to let Albus know that he knew. He'd wait until he was better again to tell him he knows his real secret.

Minutes later, Harry came in with a chained up Kyle and they stood in front of Albus. Kyle regarded Albus and Albus took a deep breath. With Lily and Scorpius by his side, Albus wrote

Why? It was simple and Kyle took a deep breath.

"I was walking by you two while you were arguing. He was pissed that you cheated on him even if you didn't do it deliberately. I saw him hit you in the throat and I saw you fall down all those stairs. I confronted him and told him he needed to stop. He told me he would only stop treating you badly when he was dead. He saw you as his property and he needed to be stopped." He explained and Albus teared up. He just nodded at the boy and shakily wrote something. He handed the boy the paper and Kyle nodded.

"Kyle was acting in self-defense on your behalf Albus. There is a possible way he could get off without any time in Azkaban." Harry explained.

I don't want you to go to Azkaban. You were only looking after me and I appreciate it greatly.

"I'm sorry you got hurt. Get well soon, eh Albus?" Kyle said and Albus nodded. Harry kissed his son's head before taking Kyle away again.

"What did you write to him when he finished?" Lily asked and Albus wrote it again.

Thank you for saving my life. Lily just nodded as she snuggled into her brother's side. Scorpius nodded his head and smiled.

"Yes, thank you Kyle." He said aloud to Albus who grinned. "I'm happy you're still here."


Harry, Ginny, James and Lily stayed with Albus most of the day as Draco spent time with Scorpius. James had floo to the school after getting home from work that day.

Albus was asked by Harry to explain that occurrence that took place but he Albus had admitted that he didn't remember anything that went down.

Is there another way I can communicate other than writing? He wrote. I don't like writing so much.

"We can ask Madam Promfrey if there is another way." Harry answered and Albus nodded.

"I'll go get her." James volunteered. He was a right hand mess when he heard about Albus. He rushed there and nearly broke down when Albus grinned at him. He didn't know Cain was capable of such thing, he wished he knew before allowing his brother to date him. That was his baby brother and you were crazy to thing you could mess with him.

Where is Scorpius? Albus wrote and Harry ran a hand through his hair.

"He was with his father. He's been a bit upset today." Harry explained and when Albus furrowed his brow, he expounded further, "Your mother tells me that he and Rose got into it today and he just needs some time with his father."

Is he okay? He scribed and Ginny kissed his temple.

"Yes he is." She spoke gently.

Madam Promfrey came out with a James and grinned at Albus.

"So I hear you're getting tired of writing?" She questioned and Albus nodded. She walked over to him and gently took the bandage off of him that was around his head. "I can give you a potion that will allow you to know sign language right away, I'll just have to give the other potion for someone to be your translator." She explained. "Or I can put a spell on you and link your mind to someone for them to voice your thoughts." She listed. "Hmm I could persuade you into getting the surgery and then you'll be able to speak." He scrunched up his face and scribbled the thing he wanted. Madam Promfrey rolled her eyes but grinned.

Loss Of Words (Scorbus) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now