"You?" He asked awkwardly, trying to ignore the way her eyes stared into his own, as though she was able to see into his soul.

"Like I said, I want to go to Spain. I want to be a lawyer. Criminal justice." She shrugged, "My family want me to find work here. Maybe I will."

"Have you ever considered doing an apprenticeship at the LAPD? We take on law students with the best grades."

Cyan sipped on her drink and looked away for a moment.

"I just want to live my own life. They want me to stay, they want me to find a job here, they want, they want, they want. But what about what I want? How can I cherish my life if it's not my own? For nineteen years I've lived a life of obligation. No more."

Mark's heart froze at Jigsaw's slogan as she spoke. He could feel the weight of her eyes on him.

"Life should be cherished because it is so fragile. Everyone deserves a chance. Maybe this is yours."

Cyan stared into her drink as Hoffman leant forward, glaring out of the window at a familiar dark haired man.

"Strahm." He snarled under his breath.

The special agent was heading his way, glaring back at Hoffman as he pushed through the crowd. The plaster at his throat served as a reminder of his time in the Jigsaw trap which he had survived by sticking a pen in his throat.

Hoffman wished he could have stuck that pen in his throat personally.

"Do you know that man?" Cyan asked coolly, "He seems angry...and familiar. Wasn't he in the newspapers? He stuck a pen in his throat to survive a Jigsaw trap."

"Yes. That's Special Agent Peter Strahm. He's working on the Jigsaw case with me, we don't really get along."

Strahm stormed into the coffee shop and headed straight for their table, his dark eyes taking in the scene with a slight sneer.

"Hoffman. I've been trying to contact you for the past twenty minutes." He rasped in his new croaky voice.

Mark raised his eyes slowly and smirked at Strahm, thinking of the delightful glass trap he had created just for him.

Cyan shivered as she caught his eyes.

"Who is she?" Strahm asked dismissively, pointing at Cyan.

"This is Cyan Rivera, my neighbour. She ran into a bit of trouble at the clinic today, so I offered to drive her here. Is there a problem?"

Strahm eyed Cyan warily and pulled up a chair, waving the barista away impatiently with a flash of his badge.

"Another Jigsaw victim is in hospital. A woman." Strahm croaked angrily, "And whilst you have been here drinking coffee, I interviewed her."

"Good for you." Cyan muttered with an eye roll, "I thought that was your job."

Strahm stared at her coldly as Mark snorted.

"And you are?"

"Cyan Rivera, student of law at the university."

"Unlike you, Ms Rivera, I have my degree in Law, so I would suggest that you shut your mouth and let us do our jobs."

Mark tensed at the harsh tone, longing to punch Strahm across his arrogant face.

"Leave her out of this. She has a point, Strahm, it is your job...or rather it was your job. I thought Erikson removed you from the case...something about obsession?"

Strahm shook his head and slammed his hand down on the table, drawing nervous glances from the people around them.

"Jigsaw never stops." He hissed, leaning towards Hoffman.

Mark crossed his arms and leant back in his chair, smirking at the flushed agent.

"That could sound suspicious to an outsider to the case." He observed coolly, "I suggest that you consider your words carefully. You're not on the team anymore, Strahm. Leave the professionals to their work."

Strahm growled under his breath as he stood up and pointed at Mark.

"You and your crooked department are in on this, and I'm determined to find out how."

"My department is dead." Hoffman snapped, "Now unless you have anything else to say, back the hell off. Read the papers, Strahm. I saved that little girl's life. What did you do? Apart from shoot an innocent man?"

"I'll be watching you, Hoffman."

"Right." Hoffman snorted, turning his attention away from Strahm, "Stupid bastard."

"I don't like that man." Cyan muttered, "Is it true, about him being off the case?"

"Never mind him." Hoffman shrugged, draining his coffee, "I have to get back. Do you need anything?"

"No." Cyan said absently, "Thank you for your help."

Mark stared at her for a moment, feeling his emotions rise up.

So that was it?

"You're welcome." He replied stiffly, "I'll see you around."

Or not.

SAW: HoffmanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon