Pick Up Lines (*21)

186 11 13

°Hey, I just met you and this is crazy but here's the book of numbers and lets read it daily.

°Girl you are breaking old testament law cause you are working it on the Sabbath.

°Girl you are "hot", like send your husband to battle "hot".

°Now I know why Solomon had 700 wives; he never met you.

°So last night I was reading the book of numbers and then I realised I don't have yours.

°Do you need prayers; cause I'd be glad to lay my hands on you.

°Are you Joshua cause I would lay down my walls for you.

°God was just showing off when he made you.

°You and me are like loaves and fishes.... we might just be a miracle.

°I like my women like I like my Microsoft Word Documents "SAVED".

°You may not like me but Jesus thinks I'm to die for.

°Could I have your name and number for my prayer list?

°Baby you''re just like Water except Jesus turned you into fine.

°Hey girl is that a mirror in your bible?  Because I see you reflecting Christ.

°Are you hot or is that just holy spirit burning inside you.

°I heard you're looking for a knight in shinning armor.... Well I happen to be wearing the full armor of God.

°Call me Pharoh because 'I won't let you go.'

°Good thing I got the fruit of the spirit 'cause I need a whole lot of Self-Control when I see you.

°I was not checking him out, I was admiring how the good Lord has blessed him. (Not really a pick up line but this is good!! :D )

°Why do I need to read Proverbs 31 when she's standing right in front of me.

°Hi, My name is Will. God's Will.

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