"-You called me, so I get to choose whether you get to end the call or not." Janna continues.

"Calm your granny panties." I laugh, Carter looks at me curious, I mouth Janna's name to him and he nods before shaking his head wondering what the hell kind of conversation we're having.

"Hey Janna." Carter yells out.

"Who was that?" Janna responds over the phone.

"Carter." I reply. "He says Hi."

"Oh" Janna starts to say softly. "Well tell him that I say Hi back."

I remove the phone from my face and turn to Carter. "Janna said, go fuck yourself."

Carter's face falls and I have to hold myself up from laughing, I can hear little screeches coming from the speaker of my phone but I continue to ignore it. Before he could say anything else, Brooklyn makes an appearance draping an arm around his shoulders and placing a peck at his cheek.

"You mind if I steal him?" Brooklyn asks.

"Go ahead." I reply and shoo them both away, I don't need their love sickness around me. Brooklyn gives me a thank you smile, and they both walk the other way.

I almost forget Janna is still on the line, until I hear my name being called out really quietly. "You said something stupid didn't you?"

"Nah." I smile. "I told him exactly what you wanted me to say...Hi."

"Yeah." She says sarcastically. "And I created the earth in one week, shut up Tessa."

I laugh but when I step outside of the building, my laughter stops and suddenly anger is replaced instead. This has to be the second time he's done this, and I can't believe that he would just leave me.

"Tessa?" Janna calls out. "Did something happen?"

"Yes!" I hiss through my clenched teeth. "He left me again."


"Jae." I yell. "I don't know why he keeps offering me a ride to school, when he leaves to avoid me knowing completely that I don't have a ride back."

"What?!" Janna bursts out laughing. "He left you...at school...Oh my gosh, I'm dying."

She will be soon if she keeps laughing. "Janna!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Her breaths finally start to even out, as she tries to stop her laughter. "What did he expect you to do, catch 3 buses?"

"He probably expected me to sit in the car with Brooklyn and Carter as they make out in the front seat." I shutter at the mental image that's been thrown in my head.

"Gross." Janna agrees. "I'm just leaving school now, you up to come hang out at the parlour for a couple of hours?"

"Yeah." I nod. "That's sounds like a plan."

"Okay cool. I'll come pick you up from your school and then we can head over."

I sigh. "I can just catch a bus-"

Goldilocks and the three playboysWhere stories live. Discover now