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I was at my boyfriends house getting beat

''who said you could go out not me so who bitch'' he yelled.

I didn't take it.

''me I told myself I could. and I'm not your bitch'' I spat back

he draged me to his bed room and done disscuting things

''Yahh please please leave me alone'' I woke up screaming and crying.

''its ok Katie its me Austin. you had a dream again.''

I grabed him and just cried. thes dreams keep replaying over and over in my head, they won't stop

it was school day my Clock didn't go of and I heard banging on my door.

I got up unset my alarm and walked over to the door

''what. my alarm didn't g'' I didn't finish cause somone covered my mouth with tjere hand.

''shh we are leaving early so we can visit with Alex for awhile I'm gonna leave her a note. go get dressed. '' austin said

I closed the door and got me out a mideum over sized shirt some black skinny jeans and a beany to top it off.

I went to the bathroom and put alittle of makeup on so I could make my eyea pop.

after I was pleased with myself I walked down stairs to see Austin waiting.

''dang you hurried.'' je said scaning. me.

he's always been that type of brother who os protective of there sister. he tells me to wear clothes and not be a slut

''lets go'' I said grabing hia hand and walking out tje door.

we waiting and waiting out side the Constancio's door.

''ugh they must not be up. I'll text Alex.'' Austin said pulling out his phone

''he said for us to wait and he'll get dressed and we'll hangout at star Bucks for a little bit.''

I shook my head ok and waited

and there he was.

''ok shh they are all asleep I left my mom a note. oh you brung her''. he said looking down

oh so now he has a problem with me.

''whats wrong with my Sis'' austin said puting his arm around me.

'' she's pretty cool''

''i-its nothing'' Alex said.

we made it to star Bucks and girls was giggling and some up jumping around.

Austin is sorta youtube famous.

''Who are you a hooker. get away from Austin'' a girl said in disscuss

''shes his'' Lex started but Austin covered his mouth

''shes no one'' he said. I swear my world just ended.

''yeah I'm no one'' after that I sped out of star Bucks and went to school.

everyone there was looking me up and down but they always do that.

I went to first period then second.

me and Austin ignored each other and things went fine.

when I mean Alex doesn't like me I take it back.

I was at luch and everyone was calling me Slut and whore. I hated it. but most of the time it didn't bother me I guess cause Austin was there

but he wasn't.

this was my battle he just watched.

I was crying and ignoring them all till the bitvh of the school dumped apple juice on my head.

''take that slut.'' she said.

Alex ran up to me and took me out of the cafatera

''here take this'' he gave me his jacket and a hair tie. I put my hair in a lose wet pony tail. and put his Swag hoody on.

''t-thank you'' I said looking down felling my eyes get glossy.

''dont cry there not worth your tears.'' he said giving me a hug..


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this is my first chapter. hope y'all liked it

XxAmeezy's SkittlesxX

Safe And In Love// Alex Constancio Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now